3. Commitment

Nyss used the small restroom at the trailhead to change into tee shirt and shorts. After Hannah had done the same, they locked their riding gear into the bike's storage and collected bottled water. Hannah had brought them to a park that was a wildlife refuge with multiple trails and secluded viewing areas.

"How far do you want to walk?" asked Hannah.

"At least a couple of miles," Nyss replied. "I'm getting out of shape."

"I like your shape," said Hannah. "You work out a lot?"

"Twice a week at the gym," said Nyss. "Softball practice and games at school."

"For God's sake don't tell Krys you play softball," said Hannah. "She'll have you on the church team before you finish the sentence."

"I'm not planning to join the church," Nyss objected.

"Doesn't matter. She'll find a way," Hannah said, taking her hand.

The softball team was responsible for two of Nyss's girlfriends and all four of her one-night stands. It might be better not to share that information with Hannah.

The parking lot had been half full, but Hannah said that the longer trails were rarely used. A few hundred yards from the parking lot there were no human sounds, just insect buzzes and birdsong, and the sounds of the breeze through leaves. The breeze was keeping the air pleasantly cool.

When the trail narrowed, Hannah released her hand. Nyss followed closely enough for easy conversation. They came to a bench at an overlook, and sat together. It didn't take long for temptation to overcome them, and the scenery below the overlook was forgotten as their mouths met.

Hannah eventually called a halt as Nyss's hands roamed under her tank top. "This is too public," she whispered. "Even if there's no one else around."

They continued around the trail. A dry creek disappeared behind a thicket of dark green bushes. A slightly less dense patch of bushes looked like it might at one time have been used as a path. Hannah ducked and pushed her way through, Nyss in tow. Branches raked at Nyss as she fought to stay with her friend. At one point a long branch snagged on Hannah's tank top strap, and as she turned to free it, the branch snapped back and hit Nyss across the face.

"That wasn't funny!" Nyss said, rubbing her nose, as Hannah laughed at her.

"It was... it was a little bit funny," said Hannah, holding her finger and thumb a quarter inch apart. "Sorry about letting it go, but the way you tried to jump out of the way was funny."

"Just watch for poison ivy," Nyss grumped. "And snakes. Why are we coming this way anyway?"

"It looked like the other side of the creek is open to the drop," Hannah stated, "and it should be completely hidden from the path."

So it proved, although it took several minutes for them to find a patch of ground not covered with rocks and branches. No snakes or toxic plants had leaped out at them. Nyss sat, her back against a tree, her legs stretched out before her. When moved to sit beside her, Nyss stopped her.

"Sit in my lap," she said. "No point in both of us suffering from the hard ground."

"It's noble of you to sacrifice your butt," Hannah said.

"You know I'll put up with a lot to have a pretty girl in my lap," Nyss said, as Hannah lowered herself into her lap. She winced. "But... this isn't really working. My tailbone hurts. Maybe you could just sit between my legs and lean back?"

Hannah slid down to the dirt as Nyss parted her legs, then leaned against Nyss's chest.

Nyss wrapped her arms around Hannah. "Did you talk to Krys?"

"Yeah," Hannah replied. "I managed to get through the entire conversation without breaking down. She's going to call the shelter tomorrow."

"And the old lady?"

"We haven't scheduled taking her pet's ashes to her," Hannah said. "Krys is going to offer to do that. If anyone can persuade her to take on another cat, Krys can."

"I'm glad. Sorry to bring it up," Nyss said. "I know it's still raw."

"I'm doing okay," Hannah said. "I'm really thankful to you for helping me through Thursday night." She turned and gave Nyss's nose a quick kiss before leaning back against her. "I can handle the work. There may be difficult days, but I can do it."

Nyss slipped her fingers under the hem of Hannah's tank and caressed her belly with her thumbs. "I'm glad. I think you're going to be good at the work. How long have you been an assistant?"

"Four years now, while I was an undergrad," Hannah said. "And I'll be doing four more until I get my DVM."

"Jeez, and I thought my six total was tough," Nyss said. "I'm down to the last year, though."

"What are you going to do when you graduate?"

"Teach high school science," Nyss said. "That's the goal."

"God, high school? Don't you remember being a high-schooler?" Hannah said. "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to find one of those snakes that bug you and let it bite you? It would be less painful. And over much more quickly."

"You weren't a fan of your high school days?"

"Not even a little," Hannah said. "I guess neither of us has chosen an easy path."

Nyss kissed the base of her friend's neck. "I hope I can find the strength you have when I need it."

"Mmm, do that again," said Hannah. "It felt good."

"This?" she leaned forward and kissed Hannah's neck again. Hannah raised her hand, reaching behind her to run her fingers through Nyss's hair. "Yeah, that."

Nyss kissed her way up and down the girl's neck, and out over her shoulder. "Shall I pretend you've painted it with marshmallow guts?"

Hannah snorted. "Marshmallow... guts?"

She moved to the other side, kissing inward along Hannah's shoulder toward her neck. "Freshly kiss slaughtered kiss marshmallow kiss chicks kiss with kiss pulverized kiss cocoa beans." Her lips had reached Hannah's ear. She growled softly, feeling the girl shiver. "It's okay, though, they're farm-raised mallows. Not an endangered species.

Hannah shuffled back against Nyss. Her breathing seemed heavier. "You're crazy," she said.

Nyss took Hannah's earlobe between her lips and rolled it around, tonguing the tip. "Tell me you haven't eaten marshmallow bird corpses at easter. Whole birds! That's so much worse than marshmallow chick guts." She interspersed her words with kisses against Hannah's skin. "Pink, and blue, and yellow..."

"Peeps?" Hannah chortled. "You really are nuts."

"No nuts," Nyss said, "just cocoa beans."

Hannah reached back again, lightly tugging Nyss's hair. "If murdering poor defenseless marshmallows is so important to you, yeah," she said, running her finger over her neck. "There are marshmallow guts here."

Nyss kissed the base of Hannah's neck again, slowing the movement. She sucked lightly and used her lips and tongue. The girl's belly flexed and tensed below her fingers as she caressed the skin under her tank. Nyss moved her fingers higher, drawing them around in circles as she moved her lips below Hannah's chin. That was as far as she could reach from behind,

Hannah turned her face so that her cheek touched Nyss's nose. When Nyss raised her head, Hannah's lips touched her mouth, then parted. Nyss met her lips with her own, and the kiss rapidly became searing, Hannah twisting and turning her neck to find the best angle, penetrating Nyss with her tongue as she sought to deepen the connection.

Breaking the kiss, Hannah leaned back against Nyss, her face against Nyss's breast. Her breathing was shallow. "God, kissing you is..." She shook her head. Nyss's breast quivered, but Hannah seemed not to notice. Reaching up, she stroked Nyss's lips. "It does something to me."

"To me, too," Nyss admitted. She nosed Hannah's face until it turned towards her, then captured her mouth again. Hannah moaned, the sound coming from deep in her throat, spurring Nyss's own excitement. Nyss drew her fingers higher over the girl's smooth, firm belly.

Hannah gasped as Nyss's fingers found her breasts, circling over them. She wasn't wearing a bra, so for the first time, Nyss's fingers encountered bare skin. She lightly caressed the small but distinct mounds, finding the flesh resilient and delightful to touch. Her nipples were narrow, and Hannah moaned again as she stroked them to hardness.

She cupped Hannah's breasts for a minute longer before releasing them and trailing her fingers down her body. The girl finally released the kiss and lay against her, breathing hard.

"Too much?" Nyss asked.

"Maybe," Hannah said, "but God, you make me feel so good."

Nyss chuckled. "I'm glad. You deserve to. Is this okay?" she asked, stroking Hannah's belly.

"Yeah, very," her friend said, relaxing against her. "You promised to let me touch you like that," she said.

"I'd like it if you want to," Nyss said, "but you might have to move."

"Later?" Hannah said. "I want to kiss you again."

"I want you to," breathed Nyss, leaning forward to meet Hannah's lips.

The kiss was slow, sensuous and intense. Nyss's arousal had grown steadily with Hannah's responses to her touch. She felt Hannah's passion building with each touch, and especially with each kiss. She could sense how new these feelings were to her friend, and she wanted to give her whatever brought her joy.

She drew circles on Hannah's belly, then moved her fingers down, over the front of Hannah's cargo shorts to her legs. Curling her fingers around, she squeezed her friend's thighs, then grazed her inner thighs with the back of her fingers, the touch of her nails making Hannah shiver.

She alternated these touches as the kiss continued, soft sounds occasionally seeming to issue from deep within Hannah's body. After a minute, Hannah raised her knees, allowing Nyss to touch her legs more easily.

Releasing Nyss's lips, Hannah turned her face to rest against Nyss's right breast. She raised her left hand to caress the underside, nuzzling the upper breast with her cheek.

"Hold on," whispered Nyss. Interrupting her caresses of Hannah's thighs, she brought her hands up inside her top. Her sports bra zipped at the front. She quickly tugged the zipper down, then parted the cups. Hannah's body quivered as she returned to nuzzling and toying with Nyss's breast, this time without the resistance of the bra beneath the thin top.

Nyss's fingers returned to Hannah's thighs, stroking upward, deep into her cargo pants. "Is this okay?" she asked.

Hannah seemed more interested in the breast she'd captured. Her fingers circled and closed, cupping Nyss's boob, then lifting it to Hannah's lips. "Yeah, I like it," she murmured, but Nyss wasn't sure if she meant Nyss's touch or her own exploration.

"Kiss me," Nyss said. Hannah turned her face upward, her eyes dark with arousal, her lips parted. She moaned into the kiss, her hand closing firmly around Nyss's breast.

Nyss could feel her friend's body pressing against her, a slow rhythm in her movements. Every few seconds her back rose slightly, increasing the pressure on Nyss's chest. Whenever that happened, her hand grasped Nyss's breast, squeezing hard. Her thighs tensed against Nyss's fingernails.

Nyss moved her hands back to Hannah's belly for a time, feeling the slow motion there, too. Her kiss seemed ever more demanding, and when Nyss stroked her belly, fingernails exploring the waistband of Hannah's cargo pants, she moaned and pressed herself harder to Nyss, compressing her breast in a tight grip.

Nyss unfastened the top button of the cargo pants, sliding her hand into the pants, finding Hannah's boyshorts slick with arousal. She cupped her pussy, squeezing as she slid her hand up and down, the movement aided by the moist underwear. The heel of her hand pressed down on Hannah's firm mound, and she matched Hannah's motions as they grew in strength, sliding her hand up and down against her.

The sounds the girl in her lap made showed her increasing excitement. The movement of her body against Nyss's became more pronounced and faster. Her thighs squeezed together, pressing her ass into Nyss, her back sliding against Nyss's belly. She grew ever more breathless, but didn't break from the kiss, turning her face as she moved to stay connected. Her tongue lashed against Nyss's, her lips soft but demanding.

Hannah gasped into the kiss, then began to pant rapidly. She seemed to be trying to say something. Nyss drew back. "What is it, honey?"

"Don't stop!" Hannah begged. "Please! Don't stop!" She began to cry out with each breath, the pitch of her cries rising. Her hips jerked her pussy against Nyss's grip.

Hannah froze against Nyss, her back arched, her hand locked around Nyss's breast. Then her body spasmed, quaking in climax.

The girl quivered in Nyss's lap for several seconds. Nyss kept her hand in place, gripping her pussy, until she relaxed against Nyss's chest.

"My God," Hannah breathed. "No one has ever done that to me before."

"It wasn't exactly intentional," Nyss said, hoping she sounded contrite.

"You mean my pants accidentally fell open, and you thought your hand was on my knee?" Hannah's tone was acerbic, but her body was relaxed, and though Nyss couldn't see her face clearly, she thought the girl was smiling.

"Well, yeah," Nyss said. "It wasn't an accident. I just got carried away, 'cause you're so beautiful and sexy, and getting you aroused turned me on too. And because I really wanted to make you feel good."

Hannah tugged up her shorts and rebuttoned them, but still lay against Nyss's chest. "Our kisses have never been innocent," she said. "Every time we kiss, I want more, and I was the one who tempted you with marshmallow guts the other day. I like being aroused with you. and you did make me feel good."

Nyss grinned. "You were quite loud," she said. "For, you know, future reference."

"No one will hear us here," Hannah said.

Glancing around the dry stream and the thick bushes, Nyss nodded. She'd found Hannah's cries exciting. "And you seemed to like playing with my boob."

Nyss could see Hannah's cheek coloring. "I did," she admitted. "I've noticed them, once or twice."

"I've noticed you noticing." Nyss chuckled. "You know what?" She kissed the top of Hannah's head. "I think you deserve a little something." She eased back from Hannah's body to lift her crop top over her head. then slid the sports bra over her arms. Hannah had turned to see what she was doing. Her eyes became huge as she saw Nyss topless.

"Oh my," she breathed. After a moment, she asked, "May I touch them?"

"Just with your hands," Nyss said. "They're sweaty from the walk. No kissing."

Her friend drew in her breath sharply. Drawing attention to the idea of her mouth on Nyss's breasts had apparently affected her. Well, maybe she'd like to try that later.

For now, Hannah contented herself with seeing and caressing. "They're very sexy. For being so... big, they're... perky? Is that the word?" She pinched Nyss's wide nipple, seemingly fascinated with the way it grew firm to her touch, the areola swelling as it hardened.

"They're real, if you're wondering," Nyss said.

"I wasn't!" Hannah replied, but her flush and the strength of her denial suggested she was doing just that.

"I wouldn't choose to be thirty-six double D," said Nyss, "but I'm not planning to do anything about it. I haven't had back pain or sagging. Yet."

Having pinched both nipples into erection, her efforts making Nyss's clit start to throb, Hannah released her and leaned back against her. Nyss didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. She stroked Hannah's hair, content just to be with her friend.

A few minutes later, she heard voices. They were far enough away to be unclear, and they didn't approach. At least two men were walking by on the trail.

"So much for your screams not carrying," Nyss whispered.

"I didn't scream!" Hannah objected, but her face was flushed.

"You were louder than those hikers," Nyss insisted.

"I was, wasn't I?" Hannah said, looking chagrined. "I guess I'll have to bear that in mind." She glanced at the sun. "We should probably go. We still have to fight our way out of here, and we have the rest of the trail ahead of us."

"True," Nyss said. She slipped her top back on, to a sigh of disappointment from her friend, but rolled up her sports bra, stuffing it into the small shoulder bag with the rest of her bottle of water. Hannah noticed that, and Nyss caught occasional glances at her top as they finished their hike, slightly scratched up from exiting their hideaway.


Hannah guided the bike into the driveway at her friends' house. For the first time she really had been concerned that she was risking a riding orgasm. Not only had she begun the ride still thrilled from her climax, and the deeply erotic kissing before that, she now knew how incredible were the breasts pressed to her back.

She had tried not to think about her very appealing passenger. She might have been successful for as much as a minute, at times, but fortunately her arousal had stayed at bay.

Erin greeted them. She smiled at her friend. "Are you staying for dinner? Faye made chicken curry," asked Erin.

"Sure, that sounds good," Hannah said.

Zoe was creating a drawing on the table, a set of pencils beside her and a very serious expression. She glanced up once, then returned to her work. Without looking up again, she said, "Hello, Auntie Nyssa. Hello, Auntie Hannah."

Hannah smiled at her friends' daughter. "It's just Hannah."

Zoe didn't look up from her work. "You were Hannah," she corrected her. "Now you're Auntie Nyssa's girlfriend, you're Auntie Hannah."

Hannah froze. She glanced at Erin, who had turned to Nyss, giving her a small shake of the head, a bewildered look on her face. Nyss seemed as startled as she was. After a moment, Nyss snapped out of her daze and took her hand. "'Auntie Hannah', we should talk," she said, and turned to lead the way to her room.

"Liv will be be my girlfriend," added Zoe.

Hannah turned to look at her. Erin, too, seemed surprised by the announcement.

"You're too young to have a girlfriend, Zoe," said Erin, frowning.

"I said she will be, Mom," she said, her tone clearly implying the unstated "duh." "When I'm older she will be my girlfriend. When I'm twelve."

Hannah chuckled as Nyss tugged on her hand, drawing her into her room.

"Your niece is a little scary," she said.

"When she's twelve," said Nyss, with a grin. "Poor Liv, whoever she is. She may not have a choice."

"What about the other?" Hannah said. "She thinks we're girlfriends?"

"Who knows?" said Nyss, clearly uneasy. "Erin didn't say anything."

Hannah wanted to ask "About what?" but Nyss seemed to be struggling to find the rght words.

"I, um...well, it might be my fault, though how Zoe picked up on it, I don't know. Like you say, she can be scary." She took a deep breath, and again, Hannah didn't want to interrupt her thoughts.

"I was talking to Faye and Erin last night," Nyss said. She guided Hannah to sit on her bed, then sat down beside her. "I was telling them how much I didn't want to go home. I can't get out of that, of course, without abandoning my program. But Faye suggested I could return after I graduate."

"For the summer again?" Hannah asked. "Won't you need to find a job?"

"Yeah, I will," said Nyss. "But the thing is..." she said again, "She suggested that I could find work here just as well as at home. It might even be easier; it surely wouldn't be harder. So I asked if I'd be able to stay with them again until I find a job and get my own place."

Hannah's heart was racing. She was beginning to recognize the nervous feeling as excitement. She was dreading Nyss leaving. Her feelings for the taller girl were not those for a casual friend, and hadn't been for a while. It was going to take her heart a long time to recover from losing her. But, if she was coming back... "Why?" she asked.

"Because..." Nyss was still uncomfortable. "Because I don't want to leave you behind. I told them I wanted you to be my girlfriend. I have feelings for you, that it would be... I think it would be a mistake to ignore."

"You're not saying that so that I'll go to bed with you?" Hannah asked.

"God, no." Nyss's answer was instant. "I mean, I want to, more than I've ever wanted to with anyone. But I want more. I want to be with you."

Reaching out, Hannah stroked the back of Nyss's hand. When she turned her hand over, Hannah slipped hers into it.

"I have feelings for you, too," said Hannah. "And I do want to go to bed with you." She heard Nyss take a quick breath. Glancing to the side, she saw that Nyss's cheeks had colored. "I realized that I want that, even if we only have the next few weeks. I don't want to waste the time we have by wishing things were different. But maybe we shouldn't think too far ahead."

"I want to," Nyss said. "I want you to be my girlfriend, and I don't want that to end when I leave. We'd need to be long distance for a year - it isn't even a full year - and we have phones, and video chat... and then we could be together again."

"Are you sure?" Hannah asked. "You're upending your whole future because of a conversation last night."

Nyss shook her head. "I want you in my life. That's what I'm sure about." She shrugged. "Anything could happen between now and next year, but that's the plan I'd like to follow. If you're willing."

Stroking the back of Nyss's hand with her thumb, Hannah asked, "When you say long distance, would you... would you see anyone else?"

"Oh, God, no, if we're together, we're together," Nyss said, "even if we're together at a distance. I've never been unfaithful to a girlfriend, and I wouldn't be to you."

Hannah tugged on Nyss's hand. When Nyss turned to her, she met her lips with her own for a soft kiss, lasting only a few seconds. "Why don't you collect your toothpaste and a change of clothes?" she whispered. "Your girlfriend would like you to sleep over."

Nyss's chest rose sharply, and her eyes turned dark as she nodded.

A few moments later, Nyss led Hannah back into the living room. Two pairs of eyes immediately turned to them. Zoe kept coloring.

"I'm going home with Auntie Hannah," Nyss said. "She'll drop me here in the morning."

Her sisters-in-law both returned her grin, while Zoe said, "Bye bye."


When Hannah pulled up at her house, Nyss saw that there was a bike already there. "Looks like Leo is here," Hannah said after she'd taken off her helmet.

In the kitchen, a dark-skinned man, about six foot, with close-cropped hair and beard was waiting for something that turned in the microwave. "Hey Leo," Hannah said. "Ken around, too?"

"Ken's still traveling for the rest of the week," the man said. He gave Nyss a curious glance.

"Leo, this is my girlfriend. Nyss, this is Leo. He rents one of the upstairs rooms," Hannah said.

"Girlfriend?" Leo looked horrified. "But, girl, you and I were going to make the most beautiful babies..."

"Yeah, yeah," said Hannah, with a laugh. "Did you ever ask your boyfriend what he thought to that idea?"

Leo grinned. "Never did. It was our little secret."

"Your little secret," Hannah said, grinning.

The microwave dinged. Leo took out a plate. "Anything going on I need to know about?"

Hannah shook her head. "Progress has been slow the last couple of weeks."

Leo's eyes danced between Hannah and Nyss. "An' I wonder why that might be. See you around!"

He headed upstairs with his plate.

Hannah's room had an en suite shower. It had once had a bath, too, and would again, but for now there were only pipes.

Nyss took the first turn, changing into tee shirt and shorts before returning to Hannah's room, then looked around the room while Hannah showered. There were a few veterinary books. Nyss wasn't sure if they were school texts or for working vets. One covered only horses.

Other than a romance paperback - romance, Hannah? - there was nothing else. Perhaps she kept her reading material on a Kindle. Come to think of it, Nyss had even fewer books at her in-laws' house than Hannah did.

She took the paperback to the one chair in the room and flipped through it. The shower stopped. Eventually, she heard the bathroom door knob turn. She smiled, looking up as the door opened, then found herself suddenly short of breath. Hannah stood before her in a plain white crop tank and blue panties. Her wiry arms and lean legs were on full display. The power in them, as slender as she was, was undeniable. Her breasts might be small, but the U neck displayed enough of their shape to make Nyss crave more. Her nipples pressed against the lightweight fabric.

"I, uh, thought you might want to sit outside for a time. Before, you know..." Nyss was rarely tongue-tied, but something about the beautiful girl and her clear intentions had robbed her of her wits.

"I have less than a month to be with you," Hannah said. "I need to store up my experience of you to get me through the cold, lonely year. Like a chipmunk," she added, then blew out her cheeks.

Nyss snorted. Hannah was so changeable. Organized and tough, emotional and silly, and the different facets all worked so well. Nyss was so lost.

She'd never felt this way with a girlfriend before. They'd gotten close, and had some great times, in and out of bed, but she hadn't felt anything resembling what she felt for Hannah. And they hadn't really had sex yet, depending on whether the afternoon's making out counted. Though, to be fair, kissing Hannah roused feelings that kissing no one else had.

Hannah stood in front of Nyss and held out her hand. When Nyss took it, Hannah drew her to her feet, then held Nyss's eyes. "Please make love to me."

Hannah's voice creaked, but Nyss's was worse. She finally managed to get the word "Yes," to pass her lips. Then her mouth was on the other girl's. She wasn't even sure which of them had moved. It was just what needed to happen. She pushed Hannah back toward the bed, only realizing when the girl's butt hit the mattress that she had been pulling out the drawstring of Nyss's shorts. She eased them down over Nyss's hips before Nyss toppled her backward onto the bed.

Now in tee shirt and panties, Nyss slid onto her girlfriend. She buried her face in Hannah's neck, feeling her quiver as she kissed all around her shoulder and up to her ear. Her hands slid up Hannah's side, gripping her ribs as she rocked her body against Hannah's, lips kissing a pattern on her throat.

Then she moved her fingers over the front of Hannah's tank, trapping her breasts between her thumbs and knuckles, closing her thumbs around the girl's nipples as her fingers played over the supple flesh of her breasts. "I want to see you," she whispered into her girlfriend's ear.

"What do you mean?" Hannah asked.

"Take your shirt off," Nyss instructed.

She felt Hannah freeze beneath her. She had sensed that Hannah thought she'd be disappointed with her figure. Nothing could be further from the truth, but it was a bridge best crossed early. "I need to see you," Nyss said again.

Hannah took in a nervous breath, then gripped her tank by the hem. Nyss gave her room as she reluctantly pulled up her shirt. When she'd tugged it over her head and tossed it aside, Nyss allowed her gaze to linger on her bare breasts. Hannah's arms tensed, as though she wanted to fold them over her chest, but was resisting the urge.

"Beautiful," Nyss breathed, both because Hannah needed to hear it, and because it was true. "You are so perfect," she said, looking into Hannah's eyes.

"Really?" Hannah's voice was small; dubious, but not dismissive.

"Yes," Nyss said. "You are. They are." She licked her fingers, then lightly pinched Hannah's nipples. The girl's breath caught. "And they seem to like being touched."

Hannah smiled weakly. "They do. Well, I do, at least by you." Her confidence had grown. "I'm glad you like them."

"Do you think they want to be kissed?" Nyss asked, with a grin.

"Oh, I am sure they do," Hannah replied, her apparent discomfort giving way to a small smirk.

Nyss lowered herself back onto the girl, her belly between Hannah's thighs, her lips on her left breast. She began to suckle. Hannah watched her with interest, which turned slowly to excitement as Nyss continued to lick and suck at her nipple. Nyss's left hand moved to Hannah's right breast, cupping it and squeezing as she kissed the left.

"I feel that..." Hannah said, pausing for a moment before trying again. "I feel that deep inside. Low. Like a tingling inside my underwear."

Nyss moved her hand down the girl's body, over her thigh and up into her panties. She felt around, surprised to find Hannah's pussy shaved, if a little unevenly, then pressed her finger against the nub of Hannah's clit. "Here?" she asked, lifting her lips off the delicious breast.

Hannah's thighs instantly tensed. "Oh, God," she said. "Oh God, that feels..." She didn't seem to have the words to continue.

Nyss lifted off Hannah for long enough to ease her panties off her hips and down her legs. Then she bent between Hannah's knees and began to kiss her inner thighs. The girl panted softly, unsteadily, with an occasional sound of pleasure accompanying the rapid breaths.

"You're making me get, um, wet," Hannah said.

"I know!" Nyss agreed, with amusement. "I love how your body responds to me."

Nyss dragged her teeth over Hannah's thighs, eliciting another round of panting, the girl's belly twitching. Then she kissed her pussy, her tongue pressing inside. Hannah's breathing became measured and deep. Her hands dug into the bedsheets.

As Nyss continued kissing and licking, her fingers explored higher, uncovering her girlfriend's swollen clit. She shifted the attention of her tongue, lightly stroking it over her clit. Hannah cried out, her hips writhing on the bed.

Nyss tongued Hannah's clit again, the girl's cries louder each time, then lifted her head. "You'll wake your tenant," she said, grinning. "Maybe the neighborhood."

'Oh God," Hannah gasped. "I... didn't think of... that. I'm... not used to these... feelings."

"Didn't worry, honey," Nyss said. "I'm going to help you get used to them. For now, you could scream into a pillow. Don't suffocate yourself!"

As Hannah found a pillow to hold over her face, Nyss pushed a finger inside her, then slid it in and out. Hannah's response wasn't immediate. Her breathing became deeper, and her hips began to rock. Nyss added another finger, then leaned down to suckle her breast softly.

Hannah began to moan into the pillow. Nyss heard her utterances - "Oh God! Oh God!" She was tempted to push her over the edge, but she wanted to keep her simmering for longer yet. When she judged that Hannah might be close to boiling over, she withdrew her fingers and began to kiss her belly.

Though Nyss was no longer inside Hannah, the girl was so turned on that the slightest touch made her squirm. Nyss spent several minutes exploring the girl's belly with her lips and teeth, occasionally drawing a gasp from her. Then she dropped a series of kisses at her panty line, causing Hannah to gasp, before repositioning herself between her legs.

Even now, Nyss didn't hurry toward her goal. Her teeth and tongue dragged over Hannah's thighs, making the girl twitch. Then she drew her tongue over Nyss's labia, causing Hannah to moan softly.

Nyss parted her girlfriend's labia with her thumbs, then let her tongue explore inside. Then she sought higher, finding the nub of Hannah's clit, firm to her questing tongue. She licked it softly. Hannah gasped and clutched at the pillow she held.

While resting her tongue on Hannah's clit, Nyss curled two fingers of her right hand into her. She curled her fingers forward, pushing against the wall of her sex, as she started to lap at her clit.

Hannah cried out into the pillow.

Nyss felt that she had tormented the girl enough. It was time to let her discover what she and Nyss could have with each other. So she drew Hannah's clit between her lips and began to suckle, the hand inside her pushing firmly and rhythmically against her sex.

Hannah's back arched, and stayed that way. Her breathing seemed to stop. Nyss felt her thighs tense around her wrist, and her passage tighten around Nyss's fingers.

Nyss flicked her tongue against Hannah's clit, then pressed her lips against the hard nub, sucking and kissing.

Hannah's climax landed hard. Her sex spasmed around Nyss's fingers. Her small breasts quivered with each pulse. Her pillow was taking the bulk of her cries, until slowly they turned to whimpers.

A smile formed on Hannah's lips, but her eyes were far away. "After our makeout session this afternoon," she said, softly, "I thought I knew what this would be like, but I had no idea."

Nyss curled into her girlfriend. She kissed her neck slowly. Hannah let out a soft sound. Her hand came up to stroke Nyss's arm. When her hand reached the sleeve of Nyss's tee shirt she turned toward Nyss. "Why are you still dressed?"

Nyss grinned. "Because I haven't taken my clothes off?" She let her smile drift away as she gave her girlfriend a serious look. "Your body is so perfect. I wanted to be sure you understood that before I distracted you." She licked a finger and ran it over Hannah's nipple. The girl shivered. "Would you... like to take them off for me?" Hannah's eyes darkened. "Or would you prefer for me to do it?"

Hannah was clearly torn. A couple of tens of seconds passed before she said, "I want to watch."

Nyss smirked at her. She'd give her a show.

She eased up from the bed to kneel beside Hannah, who watched her keenly. Taking the hem of her tee shirt, she began to roll it up her body, inward, gathering the cotton in her hands, Hannah's eyes following the uncovering of her navel stud, then the rest of her belly. When she reached her breasts, she continued to take in the fabric until she'd exposed most of the underside of each breast, stopping short of her nipples.

Hannah's eyes widened comically, narrowing as Nyss's progress stopped. Then, holding her boobs in her hands, she pushed them together as she hooked her thumbs into the V of her tee shirt, leaning forward to give the girl a closeup of the cleavage her hold had formed.

Slipping off the bed, Nyss stood with her back to the girl. Her tee would stay in place if she didn't move too quickly, so she lowered her hands to her hips, pushing her shorts down and letting them fall. Then she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, swaying as though to music. She turned her head to give Hannah a coquettish look, before easing the panties over her ass.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked. Hannah only nodded silently.

Still swaying, Nyss reached behind to pull the hem of her tee shirt to her shoulders. Now her back was uncovered, the tee still on her arms, but stretched from shoulder to shoulder behind her neck. She turned again to see Hannah's eyes hungrily taking in her bare back and butt, before drawing the shirt over each arm in turn, It held her breasts in place loosely, supported only by the back of her neck.

Finally she drew the tee forward, over the back of her head, then tossed it to the floor, her back still to Hannah. Looking back at the girl, she asked, "Shall I turn around?"

Hannah nodded, then croaked, "Yes."

Nyss held her left arm over her breasts, her right hand hiding her pussy as she turned. She smirked at Hannah.

"Please," the girl said, in an unsteady voice, "lower your hands?"

"If you're sure," Nyss said, then moved both hands to the small of her back, giving Hannah a full view of her naked body for the first time.

Hannah made a strangled sound. Nyss thought she'd said, "Oh, fuck," but she'd never heard the girl swear before, so she could have been mistaken.

Nyss returned to the bed to curl in the same position against her lover. Hannah rolled to face her, her hand reaching out to stroke Nyss's waist before making its way somewhat diffidently to her breast. Nyss smiled, holding her gaze, then leaned her face close.

As soon as their lips parted to each other, Hannah moaned. Her fingers closed over Nyss's nipple, pinching firmly. Nyss eased her thigh between her girlfriend's legs, then rolled her onto her back. Her thigh was wet with Hannah's arousal. After she started moving against Hannah, the girl wrapped both arms around her. Her growing passion showed the effect Nyss's body against hers was having.

Nyss's own arousal was sky high, driven by Hannah's excitement. She twisted slightly so that her thigh pressed more strongly into Hannah's sex, while reducing the pressure on her own. Breaking the kiss, she whispered, "Touch me."

"Where?" asked Hannah.

Nyss took the girl's right hand in her left, moving it down to her hip. Then she held Hannah's middle finger between her finger and thumb, moving it down until she felt it brush her clit. "Right there," she whispered, then, as Hannah began to stroke, she said, "Oh, God, yes, right there!" before fastening her mouth to Hannah's.

The kiss didn't last long, this time, as both girls had become breathless. Hannah was driving her body against Nyss, reflecting every ounce of Nyss's own force. Then she wasn't, as she felt Hannah stiffen beneath her.

Hannah's cries were more controlled this time as her body shook against Nyss's. Her finger no longer moved against Nyss's clit, but she didn't draw it back. Eventually, she groaned and resumed moving against Nyss.

While her right hand remained between Nyss's legs, Hannah used her left to push against Nyss's shoulder, lifting her from her own body. Then she kissed Nyss's breast, sucking her nipple between her lips. The kiss quickly involved her tongue, and Nyss found herself being driven toward her release, especially when Hannah pinched her other nipple.

"Keep that up," she urged Hannah. "Don't stop... I'm going to come!"

Then Nyss moaned as her climax slammed into her. She stopped moving, waves of pleasure sweeping through her body, until she slowly lowered herself back onto her beautiful, sexy girlfriend.

She kissed Hannah's cheek, then whispered, "You and I are going to be so good together."

"I know," said Hannah, softly.


Hannah was proud of her dry eyes as she stood outside the security line with her girlfriend. She - and Nyss, too - had done all of their crying the previous evening.

Faye had offered to drive Nyss to the airport. She'd almost agreed, or at least brought Faye and Erin along to see Nyss leave, but she'd wanted her last moments with Nyss to be private. Faye had understood, and they'd all hugged farewell at the house.

Since Nyss had luggage, she hadn't been able to bring her on the bike. In fact, Nyss had left her leathers at Hannah's place, assuring Hannah that she wouldn't be anyone else's pillion princess before she returned. So she'd brought the truck. Without the need for her leathers, she'd dressed in an open neck shirt, jacket, and trousers. As always, Nyss told Hannah how sexy she looked.

It had taken most of the last few weeks for Hannah to truly accept that Nyss meant every word. It was the darkening of her girlfriend's eyes that finally allowed her to believe. She felt proud to present in a way that Nyss found so appealing, bandeau and all - though Nyss preferred her breasts uncovered when they were alone.

Nyss had added her to the Discord server, and introduced her to her friends at home as her girlfriend. They had been happy to have her join, though it was only for chat. She had no desire to be part of their online game.

Nyss had checked two suitcases, keeping only her computer bag. The only thing remaining was to join the line. They still had a few minutes before that had to happen.

Hannah turned Nyss to face her, and in the midst of all of the people rushing though the airport, gave her a scalding kiss, holding on to her girlfriend's waist afterward because her legs felt weak.

"I love you," Nyss whispered against Hannah's cheek.

Hannah froze. Neither of them had ever said the words. Though she'd known for a while that she was in love with her friend. At first the possibility of Nyss not returning had held her back from telling her. Then, although her confidence that Nyss would really be with her for the long term had grown, it hadn't seemed like the right time. Now the words burned within her.

"I love you, too," she said.

She hadn't expected her confession to break Nyss, but her lover burst into tears at her words, her arms tightening around Hannah. Her own tears were close to the surface again as she felt her neck becoming wet with Nyss's, but she kept them contained.

"It's not a year," she whispered to Nyss. "It's only nine months."

"That's true," Nyss choked out.

"And maybe we could FaceTime naked," Hannah added. "Once or twice."

Hannah's laugh interrupted her tears, and after retrieving a tissue from her purse she fared much better.

"Once or twice?" she objected. "You mean once or twice per day, right?"

Hannah smiled at her girlfriend, hugging her one last time before stepping back. "Hurry back," she said.

"I promise," Nyss said, before turning to join the security line.