1. Carpenter

Trigger warning: death of a beloved animal. Euthanasia.

Nyss was reluctant to admit that she was bored. Faye was in the study, working from home, and everyone else was out of the house. Usually she'd have Faye's car to use, but not today.

She didn't feel like logging into her online game after last night's raid, which had lasted far too long. And it was one thing to gather with all of her friends at home in the middle of the night, and another to play solo when the weather was so perfect outdoors. She'd gone for a longer run than normal, but that still had left her with a couple of hours of morning to fill.

If Faye lived closer to the town center she could have gone out to pick up coffee. She should have asked Faye about public transportation, but she wouldn't disturb her for a trivial question. She did have books she was reading, but she didn't want to be cooped up indoors.

There was a folding chair in her room. Nyss took it out to the small front yard, added a cushion, then took her coffee, a floppy hat that was probably Erin's, and her Kindle, and settled in to read.

She had just finished her coffee, setting the mug beside her, when she heard the distinctive sound of a motorbike downshifting in the suburban street. Looking up from her reading, she watched with interest as the bike slowed, surprised when the rider leaned right, bringing the bike to rest in the driveway beside her.

The rider turned off the engine, rested the bike on its stand and dismounted. He was short for a biker, and skinny. He looked like an alien in skintight black leather and black full face visor. Maybe he wasn't short for an alien.

Nyss found herself grinning at the thought, though a little apprehensive as the rider unfastened his helmet, shaking out messy straight dark brown hair as he approached... No. Nyss's eyes widened. The pointed chin, as pale and smooth as the rest of the face, framed by the untamed hair, caused her to flick her eyes over the wrongly-fitting leathers: too high in the crotch, too narrow at the waist, and too curved at the chest. As she approached.

Now that Nyss knew the rider wasn't male, she realized that she also wasn't short. About five-four, Nyss guessed, three inches or so less than her own five-seven, and slender, rather than skinny. She raised her face to lift the brim of Erin's floppy hat out of her view of the visitor. The leather-clad girl's dark eyes widened. "Hi?" offered Nyss.

"Oh, hi," the rider returned, in a husky voice. She seemed startled. "I'm here to see Faye? I have cash for her." She patted her hip, as if Nyss would be able to tell that there were banknotes in the pockets of her tight pants - as if money would interest Nyss more than the hips she was touching would. Nyss had no aversion to letting her eyes rest for a moment where the girl had drawn them.

She could be forgiven for misidentifying the rider. Her figure was boyish; the narrowing of her waist subtle, and her breasts small and confined by the zip-front jacket. Still, having seen the clues, there was no mistaking the feminine shape. Nyss raised her eyes back to hold the girl's gaze. The slight flush implied she'd taken a little too long coming to that conclusion.

"She's working," Nyss said, "but she's home. I'm sure she'll be able to take a break. Can I tell her your name?"

"I'm Hannah," the girl says. "She knows me."

Nyss stood, then opened the front door to lead the way inside.


"She knows me." What a ridiculous thing to say. "No, I have no idea who this person is who I handed three hundred bucks to."

Hannah sighed. Ever since the girl had looked up, she'd been flustered. She thought she was approaching Faye's wife, Erin. Her composure was shattered when she'd met the girl's green eyes. She was clearly not Erin. She was about her height, and wearing a hat, as Erin frequently did, but the resemblance ended there. This young woman had an hourglass figure, a tightly-stretched, very short ribbed crop top drawing attention to full breasts and leaving golden acres of skin exposed, a diamond stud glinting in her navel. Hannah's mouth had gone dry.

Amber waves of hair fell over the woman's bare shoulders. With her face turned high, sunlight reflected from a lean neck and well-defined collar bones. Denim shorts clung to her hips, the waistline so low that Hannah wouldn't have been surprised to see the waistband of her panties. The shorts were as high in the leg as they were low in the waist, revealing tanned thighs with enough muscle definition to hint at an active lifestyle, and long, long, legs, the viewing of which left Hannah weak in the knees.

The girl had seemed surprised to see Hannah, too, though the surprise didn't seem to have robbed her of rational thought, unlike Hannah, who tried to pull herself together as she followed the girl into Faye's house. The girl whose name she'd forgotten to ask, of course.

Faye must have heard the bike, as she was already heading down the stairs. "Oh, hey, Hannah."

"Hi Faye." Hannah drew out the cash in her pocket. "I was passing. I thought I should get this to you before I forget. There's a receipt."

Faye took the paper. "How was the surgery?"

The girl beside her gave Hannah a concerned look.

"Spaying," she said to the girl. "Faye donated toward the procedure." She turned to Faye. "The patient's fine, other than having to wear a cone of shame."

"That's good," said Faye. "I'm going to take a break. Would you like a soft drink? Take a seat."

"Sure," said Hannah. She took the armchair. She glanced over at the girl, who was lowering herself onto the couch. She'd tossed the hat onto the seat beside her. Hannah looked away before she could catch her staring.

Faye returned with three glasses of Sprite. "So, you met Nyssa?" she asked, as she handed Hannah a glass.

"Uh, not really," said Hannah, then turned to the girl. "Hi, Nyssa."

The girl on the couch smiled, and the look she gave Hannah made her stomach - or somewhere in that vicinity - jolt. "Call me Nyss. And you're Hannah."

"I am," Hannah confirmed, feeling that she was back on level ground. She was surprised at her reaction. She'd been around hot girls before. Usually the outcome was unpleasant. She had no reason to think this one would be any different.

"Nyss is staying with us for the summer," Faye said, sitting on the other end of the couch. "You should show her around. If you have time."

Hannah suppressed the scowl. She had plans for the day, and they didn't involve babysitting a mean girl. But Faye was a good friend.

"I'd like that," said Nyss. Apparently Hannah had managed to hide her antipathy. "But it can't be today, since we don't have the car."

"Oh?" Hannah turned to Faye. "Is there a problem?"

Faye shook her head. "Just a scheduled service. It's finished already, but I can't pick it up until Erin gets home to take me."

Hannah nodded. She should use the excuse to leave. But she didn't want to disappoint Faye, who'd just spend a couple hundred bucks to help a church family. "You used to have a helmet, didn't you? I could give you a ride to the dealership."

Faye sighed. "That would be fun, but I have to work." She frowned for a moment, then stood and left the room, saying, "Be right back."

Hannah frowned at Nyss, but the girl just shrugged.

A moment later, Faye returned, carrying a sporty red full-face helmet. She handed it to Nyss. "Try that on."

The girl's rich brown eyes widened in surprise. "I've never ridden a motorbike."

Hannah winced. When she'd offered to take Faye, this hadn't been part of the plan. "I'll drive carefully," she said, then stood, watching as Faye helped Nyss get the helmet in place and adjusted the fit. She double-checked the chinstrap, then nodded to Faye.

"You look good in it," Faye said to Nyss. "Keep it, I'll never ride again."

"If I get killed, Mom and Dad are not going to be happy with me." Nyss's voice was muffled by the visor. "Or with you."

"You heard Hannah say she'll be careful," Faye said, "and I know she's good."

Nyss unfastened the helmet. Amber hair fell across her face as she eased herself out of it. Looking as good as the young woman did was completely unfair. "Let me finish my drink first," she said.

"You should change, too," said Faye. "I'd give you my old leathers, but the pants would be too short, and, well, I think the jacket might be a little tight."

Yeah, Hannah didn't think anything Faye owned five years ago would stretch around Nyss's chest.

"You're not going far," Faye said. "You should be fine in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Or a jacket."

"And sneakers," said Hannah, eyeing Nyss's sandals.


In her room, Nyss wasn't sure changing was worth the effort. Not having the car available was a pain, true, but learning to ride on the back of a bike just to pick it up seemed extreme.

Oh the other hand, Hannah was interesting. She'd seemed a little bubbleheaded at first, but now she just seemed annoyed. Perhaps Nyss shouldn't have agreed to being shown around, or to picking up Faye's vehicle. But she had no friends in this area, other than Faye and Erin, and maybe Hannah could be a friend, if Nyss could overcome her apparent dislike. Plus, the girl was seriously attractive. Peel her out of her leathers and she'd still look good, Nyss was certain.

She had a momentary vision of peeling Hannah out of her leathers. The accompanying spike of arousal made her face warm, even though there was no one around to see her reaction.

So yeah, it was worth the effort. Especially if it eased Erin's chores, which already included picking up Maeve from daycare.

The faded denim jacket Nyss owned was lightweight, but it would keep dust and road dirt off her skin, which was the point. She buttoned all but the two top buttons, then returned to the living room.


Now that the topic was her bike, Hannah no longer seemed less than competent. Nyss found her sharp and focused. On her task, at least. She still seemed uninterested in her passenger.

"The main thing to know is to let me do the work," Hannah said, as she stood with Nyss beside the bike. "You can lean with the bike, and it's better if you do, but if you lean too far or in the wrong direction, I won't be able to control it. Better if you sit absolutely still if you're not sure. Feet on the footrests at all times, even if we're stationary. Hold onto me. Hands on my waist or hips or sides, whatever's comfortable, or wrap your arms around me. The closer you are, the more easily you'll pick up how I lean, and then you'll know what to do. As you get used to riding you can sit more upright and get comfortable, but for now just hug me. Okay?"

"I need to hug the pretty girl and not let go," Nyss said. "Check."

Hannah rolled her eyes, but her cheeks seemed to have reddened slightly. Okay, teasing Hannah might be fun. She turned and positioned herself on the bike, before turning to help Nyss up behind her. Under her guidance, Nyss snuggled close, leaning against the girl and wrapping her arms around her belly.

Nyss was surprised by the force as Hannah accelerated away, but after the initial acceleration, Hannah's riding seemed steady and courteous along the suburban streets. Even so, the feel of the air moving against her was exhilarating. As was the feel of the leather-clad girl against her chest, her small movements gradually becoming familiar and expected.

The little thunks the bike made as Hannah changed gear, the changing buzz of the engine, she felt these in her legs and ass. Leaning against Hannah felt intimate, but mostly in the way that she was intruding on the girl's personal space. There was a tiny touch of discomfort at being so close, but also a touch of excitement.

Hannah rolled the bike to a stop outside the dealership service department. Nyss dismounted, then lifted off her helmet, hair flying all around, while Hannah raised her visor.

"So," said Nyss, "why don't I drive the car home, but instead of using it for our guided tour, we take your bike?"

The girl gave her a look that seemed exasperated but may have held a trace of amusement. "One short ride, and you've turned into a pillion princess?"

Nyss had never heard the term before, but understood it instantly from context. She faked a sharp intake of breath, and scowled at the girl. "Ooh! Brutal! But... yes?"

Hannah looked skyward, then back at Nyss. "Why not? I'll see you back at the house. Oh, give me your number." She took her phone from her pocket, then sent Nyss a text. "Let me know if you break down or have a wreck, otherwise I'll see you at the house."

"I'd better not hit anything," said Nyss. "Faye likes this car."


Hannah waited by her bike for Nyss to let Faye know what was going on. Her irritation had been somewhat quelled by the girl's clear enjoyment of riding.

"So, where do you want to go?" she asked, when Nyss emerged from the house, helmet in hand.

"Show me some highlights, then I'll buy coffee," Nyss replied. "Do you know the place in the U district? Level Grind? I've been wanting to take some photos to send to my friends."

Hannah grunted. "Oh yeah, I know it. My ex works there."

Nyss's eyes widened. "Oh! We can find somewhere else if it's a problem."

Hannah shook her head. The girl's unease was amusing. "No, we're good friends. It was a very amicable split."

"Well, then. Does that work for you?" Nyss asked, fitting the helmet into place.

Nodding, Hannah climbed onto the bike. "You ready to try leaning with me?"

"Sure, but yell at me if I'm doing it wrong, alright?" Nyss replied.

Hannah agreed, waited for the girl to grasp her waist, then kicked the bike into gear and released the clutch.

She wasn't sure what to make of Nyss. She didn't seem to be the bitch Hannah had anticipated from her looks, and Hannah had no objection to a woman with Nyss's figure wrapped around her as she rode. Especially as she was learning her role quickly, taking her cues from Hannah as to when and how to lean, and when to grip more tightly for braking and acceleration. She was less comfortable with the way she seemed to be flirting, though. Girls like Nyss didn't flirt with Hannah. They didn't consider her in their league for dating, or even friendship.

She'd been burned before by conventionally beautiful girls. They were the ones who had been assholes in high school, or acting superior in college. She'd always considered herself something of a tomboy, more comfortable with guys than girls, even after she realized she felt no attraction to the guys she spent her time with.

So straight girls looked down on her for being "one of the boys," but the few girls at school who identified as lesbians also mocked her short hair and small breasts, her bike riding and carpentry, calling her a "baby butch." She hadn't seen anything like that in Nyss - yet. But it was asking too much to expect that Nyss would be friendly and empathic.

Heather had been. Hannah often felt that Heather was the exception that proved the rule. She'd always considered Heather a close friend, in spite of the redhead's beauty. Heather had been unique in not belittling Hannah for her style and choices.

Unfortunately she and Heather had just not had much in common. They had both recently come out, Heather still surprised to discover her sexuality, and their romance hadn't taken root.

Hannah occasionally wondered whether their mutual friends at church pushing them together, shipping the two young out lesbians had been the main reason their relationship hadn't succeeded. The pairing seemed ideal, at least to everyone else, but Hannah had always feared she'd spook her then-girlfriend, who had certainly not been the kind of girl who'd hop on her pillion.

Fortunately, they'd been able to make the stereotypical lesbian transition from lovers to best friends. Except that they'd never been lovers, which would probably have surprised their shippers to know. And that had been Hannah's choice, feeling as she did that sex without commitment would hurt Heather.

Still, Heather embodied the concept of being beautiful inside and out. No one else had come close. So it was hard to believe that Nyss would.

Hannah took the opportunity to turn her head at stop lights to call out to Nyss about their surroundings - parks, buildings, a concert hall. Nyss seemed to be enjoying their ride, so she headed further out, to the edge of town, to point out the animal clinic where she worked. Then they turned back along a different road, passing the golf course, and finally entering the U district, parking up at the coffee shop that Nyss wanted to visit.


"So, was it good for you?"

Nyss laughed as she straightened her hair with her fingers. She hasn't expected Hannah to lead with innuendo. "Oh yeah," she breathed, trying to sound seductive, as she followed the girl into the coffee shop. "I hope we'll be frequent... riders," adding a pause to make the term sound euphemistic.

"Huh. We'll see," Hannah said. "But if you're going to make a habit of riding, you really need to get some riding gear."

"Oh, admit it," Nyss retorted, her tone less breathy, but still flirtatious. "You just think I'd look hot in leather."

There was a strangled sound from in front of her. Nyss looked up into the wide eyes of the cashier. The woman looked between Nyss and Hannah, who suddenly had the appearance of a deer in headlights. As did the cashier.

Oh, Christ. This must be Hannah's ex.

"Uh... Hi, Heather," said Hannah. "This is my, uh, friend, Nyss. Nyss, Heather's the manager here." She said nothing to imply anything about a relationship, but both girls' eyes made that clear.

The woman blinked a few times, then seemed to will herself back into professional mode. She offered Nyss a weak smile. "I see she talked you into riding with her."

"Something like that," Nyss agreed.

"What can I get for you?" Heather asked.

"I'll try a Boss Battle, please," said Nyss. The triple shot of espresso made it the strongest drink advertised. "And would you mind if I got a photo of your menu? I want to send it to my gamer friends back home."

The menu included drinks like a "Potion", which Nyss recognized from the description as a Cuban coffee, high caffeine and sugar, a "Handheld," a "Big Bad," and several other gaming-related names.

"Um, yes, of course," replied Heather, her wits now about her. She took Hannah's order while Nyss snapped a couple of shots of the menu with her phone, before handing over her credit card.

Nyss was posting the photo to her group's Discord server when their order was called. The blonde barista gave Nyss a small stack of paper coasters. "Heather said you might like these, too. It's a full set."

Curious, Nyss examined the coasters as she and Hannah found a table. Each of the six had a different recognizable game character printed on it. She lined them up to shoot for her friends, then looked up at her companion. "I thought you said you and your ex were okay."

The look Hannah returned was nervous. "I guess there's okay, and then there's a strange girl walks up to you and announces that your ex thinks she'd look hot in leather okay." Her lips formed the semblance of a smile. "I think Heather did well, considering."

"Hey, now, I wasn't the one asking -" Nyss made her voice low and sultry, "Was it good for you dahlink..."

Hannah returned a rueful smile. "True."

Nyss snapped a photo of each of the coasters. "Are you saying I wouldn't look hot in leather?"

She looked up to find Hannah's cheeks turning pink. She raised her eyebrows. "And you didn't say your ex was a giiiiiiirrrlll." She drew the word out into multiple syllables, her voice rising and falling teasingly.

Hannah gave her a hard stare. "I would have thought that was obvious. Do you have a problem with it?"

Nyss grinned at her. "Why would I?" she said. "My exes are girls, too."

Hannah seemed to relax at the comment.

"It's kinda why I'm here," Nyss added, more seriously. At Hannah's frown, she continued. "Faye's never mentioned me?"

Hannah shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Faye is my sister-in-law. Former sister-in-law, I guess. I'm... I was..." Nyss scowled, having trouble finding the right words. "Doug was my brother." The words fell out in a rush.

"Oh." The look on Hannah's face was stricken. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Doug was a lovely man."

Shadows had darkened the girl's features. Her remembered grief was clearly sincere. "He's been gone for years," Nyss said. She reached out, briefly touching the back of Hannah's fingers before moving her hand back to her coffee cup. "I'm alright. He and I were very close, and I miss him, but it doesn't hurt anymore. Faye still misses him, but she's happy in her new life."

"She is," Hannah agreed. "Why does that mean..."

"I'll get there. Jeez." Nyss grinned to show the snark was in jest. "See, when Faye and Erin got together, it kinda broke Mom and Dad. When Faye told them she was seeing someone - a woman - it had been over a year since they'd lost Doug, but they were still reeling. They're not homophobic, but still. Faye was straight, and their son's wife. Or had she been living a lie with their son? I mean, it felt weird to me and I already knew I was gay. I came to the wedding - I've been here for both weddings - but I felt very awkward around her and Erin."

"I was at the wedding to Erin," Hannah said. "It was at our church. I... don't remember you."

"Same," Nyss agreed, "which shows how distant I must have been. I always notice pretty girls."

The flush on Hannah's cheeks was out of proportion to the comment.

"My parents were there too, of course, and they tried hard to be present for Faye, since Doug had loved her so much, but it was hard."

"Your dad danced with Faye," Hannah said.

"Yeah," Nyss said, "and I saw the tears in his eyes. But then Maeve came along, and my parents - they're grandparents. Real grandparents, since Doug's the father. Then Faye asked them to be Maeve's godparents. And it was like she'd flipped a switch, and suddenly they're all family again. I wasn't here for that ceremony, but Mom tells me they cried and hugged and everything was wonderful. And they acknowledge both daughters as their grandkids. Zoe, too."

Hannah's expressive dark eyes held Nyss's. "I'm glad they reconciled," she said.

"Yeah, me too," said Nyss. "And Faye and I were talking again. But I held off coming out to my parents until last Christmas. I didn't want to add to their stress, and I wasn't sure how they'd react. They were... okay, though I'm sure they were a bit disappointed. But they suggested I spend my summer here so we could all be closer as a family. And, I think, because Faye and Erin are the only same-sex couple they know."

"Did you want to?" Hannah asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh, yeah. They're two of my favorite people," Nyss replied. "I didn't like being cut off from Faye. I was only a kid when I first met her, and she's always been somewhere between a big sis and a favorite aunt. And even though my parents accept me for who I am, Faye and Erin are living the life. This is my last summer of freedom. Why wouldn't I want to spend it with my nieces and my gay family?"

"Last summer?" asked Hannah.

"I have one more year of my masters ahead of me," Nyss responded. "Next year I'll be looking for teaching work. I should probably be working this summer, but screw it. Last summer."

"So you'll be leaving before fall?" Hannah asked.

"Aww, are you already heartbroken?" Nyss asked. "We only met today!"

Hannah smirked. "As if."

"Don't worry, you have all summer to drive your pillion princess around," said Nyss.

"You may not be working, but I am." Hannah sighed. "Today's my day off. I won't be free to ride with you as much on other days."

"And I thought you wanted to see me in leather," Nyss said.

"Yeah, keep thinking that," Hannah retorted. "I mean, you should still have riding gear if we ride occasionally. It would set you back a few hundred, though," she said, apologetically.

Nyss winced. "I could use a friend here, and I'm enjoying spending time with you. If that's what it takes for me to see you, I'll do it."

Hannah frowned, but her eyes had softened at Nyss's comment. "Let's go out Sunday and find what you need, then."

Nyss was tempted to reach out to touch the girl's hand again, but the thought of her ex watching from the counter dissuaded her.


Hannah should have known that she'd be delayed at church. Krys always had some work she needed volunteers for, and it was very hard not to volunteer when Krys asked - especially since the work was always worthwhile, and Krys worked twice as hard as anyone. So she was almost ninety minutes late in leaving, and would be at least thirty minutes late to see Nyss. She texted her apologies.

"No problem," came the reply. "We're getting breakfast. Do you want to pick me up at the restaurant?" The place she named was nearby, and a favorite with the church lunchtime crowd. A moment later, there was another text. "Erin says to get your cute butt here so you can eat with us. What do you want?"

Hannah grinned. That sounded like Erin. She requested sausages, eggs and coffee, knowing that Erin would add pancakes whatever she asked for.

She unzipped her jacket when she arrived, slipping it off to reveal the dark gray short-sleeved shirt and silver tie she'd worn for church. Nyss's green eyes flicked over her, surprise in her expression turning to a more intrigued look. She felt her cheeks warm as she rolled up the jacket, setting it beside her as she sat.

The food had already arrived, and, as she'd expected, there were pancakes. She spread butter and poured syrup without comment.

"How's the veterinary business?" asked Erin. She was taller than her wife, her build closer to Nyss's, which is why Hannah hadn't immediately known that it hadn't been Erin sitting outside the house on Wednesday. The hair color had been her first clue, with Erin's being a mid-blonde.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask about that, too," interjected Nyss. "You showed me the animal hospital on our tour, but I spent the whole of our coffee date talking about myself. Sorreee!"

Nyss wasn't at an angle to see Erin's expression, but Hannah caught the slight narrowing of her eyes at the words. Her own expression was probably sour. Coffee date?

Faye was dealing with both of the couple's daughters. Hannah lowered her voice anyway to carry only to her audience of two. "Good days, bad days," she said. "I love the job. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really cut out for it, though. For every ten successful surgeries and elated families, there's one who isn't going to make it, or where the only option is euthanasia."

"What's Asia?" piped up Zoe, without looking up from her plate. Hannah cursed inwardly.

"It's a continent a long way away," said Erin, smoothly, as Nyss exchanged a sympathetic gaze with Hannah.

"I guess that topic is done," Hannah murmured, certain this time that her voice wouldn't carry. "I do love the work, though." Recalibrating the subject away from current responsibilities, she spoke directly to Nyss. "I'm just a vet assistant, but I'm starting school in the fall for a DVM. The practice is partly large animal, and that's what I'd like to do."

"Aren't you a little short to be a large animal vet?" Nyss asked. The question sounded sincere, but there was a glint in her eyes.

"I'm stronger than I look," said Hannah. She was surprised at the edge in her tone. "I'll arm wrestle you any day."

The other girl studied Hannah's arms. This would be the first time Nyss had seen her without leather sleeves. Nyss's eyebrows rose slightly as she took in the muscles of her wiry arms. Was it her imagination, or did Nyss's gaze also linger on her chest? Was she interested in Hannah's tie, or the shape of her shirt? She felt her cheeks warming again.

"Challenge not accepted," said Nyss. "I'm not going against a girl who can wrangle a two hundred pound bike."

Hannah humphed. "It's way more than two hundred," she said, "but there's not much wrangling involved. Carpentry keeps me in shape."

"Carpentry?" Nyss sounded surprised.

"Hannah lives in a fixer-upper," offered Erin. "She's restoring it."

"Oh, wow," said Nyss. "Do you wear a toolbelt? I have to see you in that."

Hannah shook her head. "You think I'm lusting to see you in leather, and now you want me to wear a toolbelt?" She glanced over at Zoe, hoping she wasn't going to ask what lusting meant. "Fine. After you've bought your gear, we'll go for a ride to my house," she said. "Then at least one of us can have her dreams fulfilled."

She didn't miss the narrowing of Erin's eyes again, clearly curious about the banter. But then, why am I not just turning her down? Am I that desperate to have a hot girl respect me?


The shopping trip had taken a serious bite out of Nyss's summer funds. It would have been a good amount even before she discovered that she'd have to spend close to a hundred bucks extra for a jacket that accommodated her chest. The pants had been okay, there were several that fitted her curves snugly. But the lower-end jackets were just... not designed for her. And if she went to a larger size or men's jacket, it flopped around her waist.

She would swear that Hannah found her ordeal amusing. She was her usual taciturn self, not laughing, but she couldn't hide the twinkle in her eyes. She didn't comment about whether Nyss looked good in leather, but her expression seemed appreciative.

Nyss wore her purchases out of the store, her clothes bagged up to place in the bike's storage cases. "I don't want to hear one word about 'high center of mass'" she growled, drawing a laugh from the smaller girl.

Then they were on the road, and with Nyss properly outfitted, Hannah didn't seem to feel the need to restrain her speed, acceleration or cornering. She was not a risk-taker. She didn't dodge cars or overtaken when not necessary, but she took faster roads, and stayed with the flow of traffic, a little over the speed limit, but riding with her began to feel more of an adventure than it had with their sedate trips around town.

Pretty soon the suburban streets were behind them. The area had older houses, set back from the road. Some were in sorry repair, but some were beautiful. It was clear that the city was encroaching, and Nyss guessed that housing prices here were about to rise sharply.

Hannah drew the bike to a halt in the driveway of a moderately sized two-storey house. It was run down, but looked to be structurally sound on the outside. Nyss pulled off her helmet and looked at the place before dismounting. "Wow," she said. "This is yours?"

The smaller girl removed her own helmet and nodded. "Well, the bank's. And my parents', I guess, since they cosigned for me. I have so much debt right now that it scares me, but it's all part of the plan."

Nyss climbed down, and Hannah followed. Both girls hung their helmets on the bike. "Also," said Nyss, "I'm really getting into this princess role. That was great. Much better than rolling through town."

Hannah gave her a look that seemed amused. "Good," she said. "We'll do more. Now you can earn your keep."

"What, you want me to work?" Nyss attempted a hangdog expression.

"It's the only way you get to see the toolbelt," Hannah retorted. "You might want to change into what you were wearing earlier."

Nyss took her tee shirt, shorts and sneakers from the bike. Not being part of the church crowd, she hadn't been dressed up at lunch. "You're already tired of my leather-clad hotness? I'm heartbroken."

"I'll be taking you home later," Hannah said, adding snarkily, "I can restrain my desire until then."


The inside of the house was a mix of scents. Pine dust, resin, the faint but acrid scent of glue. More pleasant smells of varnish in places. Nyss changed in the bathroom that Hannah had guided her to, then waited until Hannah finished changing, returning in dark blue overalls over a tank top. Damn, she even looks good in overalls. That's so unfair.

"This is a long-term project," Hannah said. "I'm going to be at least a couple of years working on it. Right now I'm making new kitchen cabinets. Next year I'm going to have the outside repainted. Eventually we'll replace the hardwood floors. Then I'll probably sell."

She led Nyss through the house, outlining the plans for each room. Her own bedroom was on the ground floor. As the master suite, it was enormous. The queen bed in the center looked small. There was a battered armoire, and a chair, but the room was otherwise empty. Hannah pointed out where she was planning to build a walk-in closet. There was a fire grate that would need to be rebuilt, but when it was done there would be a wood-burning fire in the bedroom.

Upstairs there were two other occupied rooms. "Ken and Leo. They're tenants, but they help with the work for reduced rent. They're both out this weekend."

"The house is bigger than I thought," Nyss remarked.

"That just means more work ahead of me," Hannah said, with a sigh.

Back downstairs, Hannah handed Nyss a mask and goggles. "I'll be running the table saw. You don't want to get sawdust in your eyes or lungs."

Soon she had Nyss measuring and marking boards as she consulted her plans and cut lengths of wood.

Nyss interrupted the work. "I think I'm here under false pretenses," she said. "I was promised a girl in a toolbelt."

Hannah dusted off her hands. "I don't really need one for this work, but fine..."

She left the room, then returned wearing a belt covered in pouches. Those on the front were open and divided, with screwdrivers, pliers, rulers and assorted items in each segment. A hammer was clipped to her waist.

"Photos," insisted Nyss, taking out her phone and snapping shots of Hannah scowling at her, arms folded. "This is almost as hot as your biker gear," she said.

Hannah shook her head in denial, but posed. All of the photos Nyss took showed her scowling face.


At five, Hannah called a halt. She'd usually work much later, she said, but Krys at church had her moving furniture around and loading a truck in the morning. Some church members were planning to cater an event at an assisted living center. Hannah wasn't part of that group, but she'd been volunteered to help with preparations.

Nyss was surprisingly weary. Though Hannah had done all of the heavy work, all of the stooping and stretching while measuring, plus helping the other girl move boards and cut wood around had been more strenuous than she'd expected.

She started to unhook her mask, but was halted by a sharp whistle. Hannah, grinning, held out a long-handled brush and dustpan.

"Really?" Nyss whined.

"Really," Hannah confirmed, picking up a broom. "You don't want to face a cleanup nightmare when you start work, which means you need to take care of it when you finish. Plus the dust and offcuts can be a fire risk."

Cleanup took twenty minutes, after which they both changed for the ride back to town.


When they arrived at the house, Nyss wondered whether she should invite Hannah in. That would have the feel of a date, which she didn't think Hannah would appreciate. But not inviting her seemed rude. Erin solved the conundrum by opening the door and inviting Hannah to join them for pizza and beer.

"Sure," said Hannah. "Just one beer, though."

"Just one?" Nyss asked.

"I'm a lightweight," Hannah replied, with a serious nod. "Probably because of my low center of mass."

"AAH!" Nyss yelped, startling Erin, but causing only a slight curving of Hannah's lips. "You've been waiting all day to use that."

"Maybe," said Hannah, turning to head inside. "But seriously, I never drink more than one when I'm riding."


The sky was darkening when Nyss followed Hannah back out to her bike. "I've had a great day," she said. She couldn't remember having worked so hard outside of the gym. Working under the instruction of a friend made the work more satisfying. And if she was honest with herself, being directed by Hannah gave her a secret thrill. She liked it when Hannah took charge, whether on her bike or in her workspace. She should do it more often.

"Thanks," Nyss added.

"You know, I think I should be thanking you," Hannah said. "It's been a while since there's been anyone who was interested in what I do."

"Your ex?" Nyss asked.

Hannah zipped her jacket a little higher. The air was cooling. "I love Heather. She's an amazing person. But she's... not adventurous. She never rode with me. She would have helped me with the house, I'm sure, but not without more guidance than I could afford to pay. You've been great."

"Are you saying I'm more than a pillion princess?" Nyss asked.

Hannah smirked before she closed her visor. Her voice was muffled from inside the visor. "Even a princess has to get her hands dirty," she said.