2. Camping

The folowing day found Nyss aching in surprising places. She hadn't realized just how much effort she'd put in at Hannah's house. If she worked with her much more, maybe she'd be able to take her up on the arm wrestling challenge.

For her part, Hannah seemed to have lost her prickly edge with Nyss. As if Nyss had broken through whatever shell the girl kept between herself and the outside world.

On Wednesday, they took another trip to Level Grind. Heather was there again. This time she was all smiles, the awkwardness of their first meeting firmly in the past.

Hannah unzipped her jacket to reveal another shirt and tie. Nyss was pretty sure she hadn't been wearing a tie the previous week when they were here. Had she dressed up for Nyss? Or was this her normal day off attire, and last week she was in a tank or tee because she was only delivering Faye's cash?

The blonde barista, Dylan, took a short break to bring Nyss an envelope, treating it with the security of a classified briefing. Inside was a set of coasters with different images. "This is the next series," she said. "Very hush-hush. Heather thought you might like to send them to your friends, but we won't have them here for another month or more."

Nyss asked for the story behind the coasters.

Dylan glanced over at Heather, then pointed to the table where the girls were sitting. When Heather nodded in acknowledgement, she took the chair between them. Her left arm, to Nyss's right, was adorned with a brilliantly-colored tattoo which extended up into her uniform shirt. "It was my boyfriend's idea," she said, quietly. "The gaming theme was intended to appeal to students. He suggested art for the various shop items, but when it came to the coasters, students were walking off with them."

She grinned. "When he changed the design, we discovered that students were using the original series as collectibles, trading them for favors. So we started changing up the designs more often. It isn't cheap, but the advertising has been great. And a lot of people who wouldn't be regular customers now come by to sneak additional coasters."

"What kind of favors?" Nyss asked.

Dylan gave Nyss a wide-eyed look, then sniggered. "I neither know, nor do I wish to."

Nyss didn't take photos of the new coasters until the evening, back in her room. She shared the designs with her friends on Discord, then chatted for a while about what she was getting up to. Several of her friends were curious about Hannah, wondering when Nyss would make a move on her.

But even though Hannah was no longer actively hostile, and even blushed occasionally at Nyss's flirtatious comments, she'd never given any indication she'd like to be anything other than a friend, while Nyss was finding her own attraction to her new friend growing.

She helped at the house again on the following Sunday. Hannah had her putting in a lot more effort. Apparently she'd earned some level of trust. Her arms and thighs were aching when they rode back to Faye's place.

Nyss hopped off the bike, and was about to head inside, when Hannah stopped her. Her visor was raised, the light of an idea in her eyes.

"Hey, do you like camping?" she asked.

"God, the last time I went camping was... was with Doug, before he'd met Faye," Nyss said. "But yeah, I did."

"You want to head into the hills with me?" Hannah asked. "It's a good ride. We can stay overnight in the national park and head back in the morning. I'll take half a day off work."

"I could do that," Nyss said. "When?"

"Wednesday, next week, I think," Hannah said. "That gives us a week to be sure we have what we need, and the park will have more space than it would on Sunday."

"Shit. I'm usually in bad shape on Wednesday," Nyss said. "I play an online game with friends back home, usually until the wee hours." Then she shook her head. "Nah, it's not a problem. I can skip raid night."

"Let me guess," said Hannah. "You play a healer."

Nyss frowned at her. "Why would you think that? No, I'm stabby-stabby. Or grunty-grunty if they're short a tank."

"Oh, great," Hannah replied, acerbically. "I get to imagine you grunting. How exciting for me."

Nyss heard her chuckling before she closed her visor.


The ride to the mountains - well, the foothills - was much better with a passenger than when Hannah last made the ride alone. Especially with the helmet comms subsystem that she'd put together, though the cost had broken this month's budget. It would be worth the expense if she and Nyss rode together often over summer. Nyss's excitement on this trip alone justified some of what she'd spent.

She was liking riding with Nyss. She was still having trouble believing that the stunning brunette with the hourglass figure enjoyed spending time with her. She felt at times that she was still waiting for the other shoe to drop, when Nyss would turn on her, belittle her, or just start ignoring her, like attractive girls always did. She was becoming increasingly certain that Nyss wasn't like that, but it was hard to set her expectations aside, based as they were on experience.

Whatever Nyss's real feelings, there was no denying that Hannah had a super-hot woman holding onto her. It was fortunate that the Yamaha was such a smooth ride. She'd read enough about bike-induced orgasms to know they weren't an urban legend, but she didn't want to experience one, especially at high speed. And feeling Nyss against her was kind of arousing.

Her passenger's voice came through the headset.

Nyss: "I think I could try sitting a little more upright."

Nyss: "Not too much, because I think being close clues me in to how to move, when you're ready to corner."

Nyss: "I could hold your waist instead of having my arms so far around."

Hannah: "You could do that."

Nyss: "You'd miss me hugging you, though. Admit it."

Hannah: "I'm not answering that."

Nyss: "Are you not answering that because you want to hide how much you'd miss it, or because you don't want to hurt my feelings?"

Hannah: "I'm not answering that."

The elevation of the highway was steadily increasing. Hannah checked her mirrors, signaling well in advance of the slow truck ahead, then moved out to pass.

Nyss (moving her hand a fraction of an inch up Hannah's torso): "I guess I could just move my hug higher. Like, much higher."

Hannah: "And we could both die from my distracted riding."

Hannah: "Though it's not like you'd find anything there worth hugging."

Nyss: "That's crap and you know it."

Hannah: "Now. If our roles were reversed..."

Hannah: "There'd be plenty to hug."

Nyss: "Maybe, but you'd be too short to take advantage."

Hannah: "Mean. And untrue."

Hannah: "I'll have you know that I'm very tall for my height."


The exit was close to the national park. The roads became twisty almost immediately, testing Nyss's hold on Hannah's waist. It was comfortable, and felt like she was constricting her friend less, but she continued to lean forward for the reasons she said. Also, because she liked to feel close to Hannah.

They eventually pulled up at the entrance station. Hannah bought the access pass and confirmed their camping space. Then they were rolling along the narrow park roads, coasting past turnoffs until the bike slowed to a stop at the numbered space.

Nyss helped Hannah to unload the cargo cases, then sorted the few items while Hannah made a couple of trips to locate fallen and dead branches, bringing back usable firewood in the empty cases.

The tent assembled easily. Hannah insisted it was a two person tent, but Nyss wasn't convinced that they'd both fit, so they stretched out their sleeping bags and lay on top of them to check. It was going to be a tight squeeze, but doable.

"I'm okay with spooned sleeping bags," Nyss said. "I guess this will work."

They brewed coffee. Later, they fried bacon on the tiny cook set, and finally built a fire from some of Hannah's found wood. "Did we bring s'mores?" Nyss asked.

Hannah sighed. "We didn't bring s'mores."

The sky wasn't completely dark, but already it was getting hard to see beyond the circle of firelight. Nyss had been sitting a couple of feet from Hannah, but after she refilled the coffee, she sat beside her, their arms brushing. Hannah didn't move away.

"I bet Krys would have brought s'mores," Nyss needled.

"Krys would have brought s'mores," Hannah agreed. "She'd also have brought a marquee, several bags of charcoal, a diesel generator, cots, and a fleet of pickup trucks to carry everything." She leaned closer, her shoulder touching Nyss's. Okay, maybe she had become more comfortable around Nyss.

"Point. I prefer this," Nyss said. "Even without s'mores." After a moment, she added, "Erin tells me that Krys helped Faye and her understand their feelings when they were confused about them. And everyone has to know you're gay, if you were dating Heather." She felt Hannah nod. "Isn't it unusual for a church to be so supportive of same-sex couples?"

"I guess," Hannah said. "I mean, yes, but I don't really think of myself as part of "The Church"." Hannah's hand brushed her thigh as she moved it forward to make air quotes with her fingers. "I'm not really a believer. Krys is, obviously, and Heather was - is - but I'm there because they're welcoming and supportive, and because their ministry isn't to make the pastor rich, it's to help others. They provide funding for homeless shelters. They have food drives and serve holiday meals at food banks. Last year, Krys had me work with some of the men to make cabinets for a women's shelter. The church bought the materials, we did the work, and Krys had the shelter staff pick the cabinets up and install them. I helped with installation since the men weren't allowed."

"Isn't that what churches are supposed to do?" asked Nyss.

She felt the girl shrug. "The whole time Heather and I were together she was terrified of her parents finding out she was a lesbian. She was out at our church, but she was stressing out trying to think of a way to tell her parents without them shunning her, because her old church considers gay people to be subhuman, worse than sinners, since they choose to sin."

Nyss felt the anger in the girl's voice. She reached forward to give her knee a comforting squeeze.

"And they did find out," Hannah said. "When she wouldn't conform, they expelled her and cut off her funding. That was after our split, but it's why she now works at the coffee shop. She came through the ordeal, but it was hard on her. Her girlfriend called on Erin and Faye. And Krys. Everyone rallied behind her, and now she's in a stable, loving relationship, with a decent job, and defended from bigots. That's why I'm at the church. Not for Brother Bob's sermons."

Nyss felt Hannah's body shake as she chuckled at the last.

The girls talked, leaning comfortably against each other, as the sky became completely dark. There were no clouds, and the fire, which had seemed an extravagance at the start of the evening, now protected them from the chill of night. She slipped her arm around Nyss's shoulder, half expecting her to pull away, but to her surprise, the girl leaned her head against Nyss.

"You have a lot of friends at home?" Hannah asked.

"A few at home, a few at college," Nyss said.

"Are they all gamers?" Hannah asked.

"Most of them," Nyss replied. "Our guild is mostly real-life friends. We use Discord voice. Raiding is mostly an excuse to stay in touch with each other. Honestly, as a woman, I'm not a fan of gaming with internet strangers. Hearing my voice brings out the creeps, so if I'm not playing with my friends I just disconnect my mike."

"I'm sorry I screwed up your raid night last night," said Hannah. "Apologize to them for me."

"Join the channel and apologize yourself, if you like," Nyss said. "It's fine, though, We have people dropping all the time, especially over summer. And besides, I'm with a real-life friend, which is the point, right?"

"Uh, yeah," said Hannah.

She wished she felt close enough to Hannah to kiss her. She wanted to. She felt that it would violate the trust that Hannah had shown in bringing her to this isolated place, and if Hannah felt threatened, she'd destroy the friendship they were building, and forever kill the chance of kissing her in the future. So she contented herself with the feel of her new friend's head on her shoulder.

When the fire burned low, Hannah sat up. "We should sleep. We'll have to leave early."

They took their toiletries to the camp bathrooms. When they returned, they stripped out of their leathers, turning their backs on each other by unspoken agreement. Hannah had a small LED light that she turned on while they struggled into their sleeping bags, and in spite of her best intentions, Nyss glimpsed a very attractive panty-clad ass as her friend tried to slide sideways into her bag. Then Hannah zipped the tent closed, doused the light, and rolled to the side, giving Nyss room to spoon against her.

After a minute, Nyss unzipped her own bag far enough to free her arm, wrapping it around Hannah's sleeping bag, closing the small distance between them. "Is this okay?" she asked.

She felt the girl beside her nod. A moment later, she heard Hannah's voice.

"Thank you for coming with me."

"Thanks for asking me, Hannah. I'm enjoying this," Nyss replied. A moment later, she added, "I hope we can stay in touch after I leave. Maybe you really should join the Discord."

There was no reply, but a few seconds later, there was the sound of a zipper. Nyss felt fingers against her own. They drew her hand upward. She felt lips touch her fingertips, then Hannah's fingers intertwined with hers, holding them close as they both drifted off to sleep.


Breakfast was bacon, then eggs fried bubbly and hard in the bacon grease. Hannah packed the small cooking kit away as Nyss rolled up the sleeping bags, then figured out how to pack the tent. There'd been another glimpse of her friend in tee shirt and panties - Nyss would swear on the Book of the Flying Spaghetti Monster that it was accidental, honest - and she was sure she'd felt Hannah's eyes on her at one point. But now they were safely clothed in their riding gear.

When they were fully packed up, Hannah handed Nyss her helmet. "Hey," she said, "this evening, why don't you come up to my place? I have a grill. I'll make us something, and you can have your s'mores."

"S'mores! Yes! Text me your address," Nyss said, "since I never see anything but your butt when we're riding."

Hannah snorted a laugh. "You see everything."

"I would," Nyss allowed, "but that would mean not staring at a very nice ass. I'm sure I can find it, but I know Google can if I get lost."

Hannah checked her phone. "Okay. Remind me when we have service."


At the house, Nyss dismounted awkwardly. "I am going to soak for an hour," she said. "This is the first time I've needed to after a ride."

"Sore butt?" Hannah asked, grinning behind the raised visor.

"Yeah," Nyss agreed, ruefully. "Text me your address," she reminded Hannah, who took her phone out and did so immediately. "I'll see you this evening."


The text message at five thirty was unexpected.

Hannah: "Dinner is off. Sorry."

That was abrupt for her friend. She replied.

Nyss: "You okay?"

It was over five minutes before her phone pinged again. Nyss was getting worried. Perhaps she'd done something to upset her. Was it Nyss's comment that she had a nice ass?

Hannah: "Y"

That was too much. Nyss called Hannah's number. The phone rang for so long Nyss thought it was going to go to voicemail, but finally the line clicked. There was silence for a full ten seconds before Nyss heard her friend's voice.


Nyss could tell from the single word that Hannah had been crying. Was still crying, if she was judging the depth and unsteadiness of her voice correctly.

"Oh, honey, what's wrong?" Nyss said. The endearment slipped out without her conscious intention, and if she could have taken it back, she would have, but there it was.

"Nothing," Hannah said, then cleared her throat. "It's nothing. Work stuff. I'll be fine."

"I want to see you," said Nyss.

"It's okay, really," Hannah replied. "I'll make up the grilling and s'mores another time, I promise."

"I still want to see you," Nyss said, then preempted Hannah's response. "No. I am coming to see you. Unless you tell me right now, absolutely, categorically not, I'll be there in half an hour."

"I...." Hannah seemed to be having trouble forming words. "I... oh, fine."

The line disconnected without ceremony. Nyss stared at the phone for a moment, then sought Faye to ask if she could take the car early.


Nyss arrived with Chinese takeout. Hannah was clearly in no mood to cook, and even if she wasn't ready to eat now, they could warm the food up later.

When she saw her friend's face, she immediately set her bags on the floor and wrapped her arms around her. "Oh, Hannah. What happened?"

The hug broke the last of Hannah's restraint, and she broke into wracking sobs. She was carrying a tissue which she used to dab at her face ineffectually. "Let's find somewhere to sit, honey," Nyss said, again mentally kicking herself for the word.

Hannah gestured to the living room. Still with her arm around her friend, Nyss led them to the room, spying a couch and box of tissues. She lowered Hannah onto the couch, taking her own seat beside the tissues so that she could hand them to the girl.

"What happened," she asked again, giving Hannah a couple of clean tissues.

"I... I don't think I can do this job," Hannah said, between sobs. "It's what I've always wanted, but I don't think I'm strong enough."

"Oh, Hannah, I think you're a very strong woman," Nyss said. "I don't think that's the problem. What is it?"

"We had a... a patient," Hannah said, then interrupted herself. "I'm going to try to tell you, because I think you'll understand, but I'm not sure I can, so be, you know..."

"I understand," Nyss said, softly.

"We had a client," Hannah tried again. "She brought in her cat. He was nineteen, and in pain. There was a tumor. The vet couldn't... couldn't..."

"Oh, honey, I know where this is going. I'm so sorry," Nyss said.

"No, it's worse," Hannah said. "The woman is in her eighties. Her Han was the only person in her life. He was everything to her. He was a k... kitten when she lost her husband. And we had to... we had to..."

"It's okay, Hannah, I know what you're saying," Nyss said.

"We did what we could," Hannah said, "and his owner was so understanding. I'm sure she knew when she brought him in that she wouldn't be taking him home again. She stayed with him as he went to sleep. He purred. They often do, you know? And she was crying. I managed to hold myself together until I got home, but now I can't... Now she's all alone. We took away her only companion."

Nyss handed her another wad of tissues, then shifted, cradling her friend's face against her breast, letting her cry herself out. She stroked Hannah's short hair, trailing her fingertips over her cheek as the smaller girl's body shook against her.

It may have been ten minutes or more before the sobs became more sporadic. Nyss used tissues to wipe Hannah's face, and, freed from that responsibility, Hannah wrapped her arms around Nyss.

"It's your empathy that's hurting you so much," Nyss said, "but empathy is what the woman needed to deal with her loss. Imagine how she'd been if the staff had been cold and dispassionate. Your empathy will make you a great healer."

Hannah sobbed a little more, then her muffled voice emerged from Nyss's tee shirt. "Do you think so?"

"I do," Nyss replied, lightly stroking Hannah's hair again.

Hannah lay nestled against her for a couple of minutes more. Then Nyss felt her friend's body stiffen. Her face lifted a little, and she stared down at where she'd been resting. Nyss was wearing a balconette bra, and there was nothing between Hannah's cheek and Nyss's breast but the thin cotton of her tee. Hannah turned a horrified look to Nyss.

"It's okay," Nyss said, deliberately misinterpreting her friend's expression. "It's washable."

Hannah's lips twitched into the ghost of a smile, then she eased herself up. She didn't move away from Nyss, though, resting her cheek on her shoulder and lightly gripping her bicep. "Thank you for being here," she said.

"You're welcome, Hannah," Nyss said. "And I brought food for when you are feeling up to eating."

"Later, maybe," said Hannah. She reached across Nyss to retrieve a tissue for herself, then wiped her nose. Setting the tissue down beside her, she stroked Nyss's arm with her free hand. "I must look terrible," she said.

"You've looked better," Nyss agreed, "but I think you always look beautiful, even now."

Hannah sat upright, releasing Nyss's arm. "How can you say that?"

"Because it's true?" Nyss countered. "I've thought so since the first time I saw you."

Hannah shook her head, seemingly in puzzlement, rather than denial. She sighed. "Why couldn't you just be an asshole?"

Nyss startled at the words. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, every girl I've ever found as... as physically attractive as you are has been an asshole," she said. "Mean girls. Spiteful. Homophobic. Heather was different, but she was the only one. You... you're not an asshole, but you're leaving in a few weeks, and you're going to break my heart."

"Oh, Hannah," said Nyss, reaching for her hand.

Hannah allowed her to take it, but her hand was limp in Nyss's. "And you. You've seen me after the worst bout of ugly crying I've done in years, and you call me beautiful. And the worst thing is, I know you mean it!"

"I can't help that," Nyss said, trying for a weak smile. "Sorry, not sorry."

Hannah's hand finally turned in Nyss's and offered a small squeeze, then she drew it back. "Thanks for being here," she said. "I really didn't want to see you. I'm glad you came anyway."

Nyss withdrew her own hand and turned to study her friend. "Showing emotions isn't showing weakness, Hannah," Nyss said. "You're allowed to have feelings. And when they get too much, you're allowed to share your feelings with a friend."

Hannah shrugged again, clearly unconvinced.

"I'll never mock you for your feelings, honey," Nyss said. "You're a strong woman, but that doesn't mean you're cold. You're not Mr. Spock, and you don't need to be."

The girl looked up at her, blinking.

"Hannah, let me ask you something," Nyss said. "Or don't, honestly, tell me to butt out if you want. That's fine."

Hannah's eyes still held hers, but she didn't shut her down.

"Have you been... spurned for your presentation?" Nyss asked. "You wear ties and a toolbelt and swing a hammer. Have you dealt with a lot of negativity?"

Hannah didn't reply for half a minute. Then, "I guess."

"Then let me just say that I won't do that," Nyss said. "If you're worried I'll turn my back on you because you present more masculine than I do, please don't. Maybe I'm too girly for you, too, I don't know, but I don't see why that would come between friends. And I don't care how much of a guy you are, you still get to have feelings, and to share them when they get to be too much."

Hannah watched her without speaking for a minute or two. "You won't always be here," she said, at last.

"We can stay in touch," Nyss said. "I can always be there for you on FaceTime or Discord. I know it isn't the same, but when it's something big, you can still share. I want to be here for you, because a person who feels so deeply about that old lady doesn't only need support, she deserves it."

Hannah nodded. "Thanks, Nyss," she said. "That means a lot to me."

"Also..." Nyss continued, "I mean, this shouldn't affect the way you choose to present yourself to the world, but when I first saw you in your shirt and tie I think my heart skipped a beat. Anyone who doesn't find your style completely hot is objectively wrong."

Hannah chuckled, though she was still so choked up it sounded rough. "Objectively wrong?" She shook her head. "You think I'm beautiful after ugly crying. I think your standards might be out of whack, but thank you."

"Objectively," Nyss insisted, grinning. "I'm working on my master's, but I have a PhD in pretty girls. I know my subject." She let the grin fade before adding, "I have a thought, though. Let's talk about it over dinner."

Hannah had found plates and soft drinks. They shared the re-warmed food between them. "Do you think your old lady would want to adopt another cat?" Nyss asked. "There are always older cats who need homes."

Hannah looked dubious. "She might," she said. "I don't think I could talk to her about it. I don't think it would be appropriate. I work for the animal hospital, not the shelter. And I think she'd worry about what would happen to a cat when she's out of time. She has no one in her life who'd know the cat needed help."

"I think I know someone who could deal with both issues," Nyss said. "I know of someone, that is, who could contact the shelter, maybe sweet talk the lady into another companion, and arrange for wellness checks. Maybe even find ways to ease her loneliness."

"Krys," Hannah said instantly.

"Krys," Nyss agreed.

"That might be genius," said Hannah. "I'll talk to her on Sunday."

"S'mores tomorrow?" asked Nyss.

"Those s'mores!" Hannah smiled for the first time since Nyss had arrived. "Alright. Tomorrow."


Hannah had offered to grill, but hadn't asked Nyss what she liked. For Hannah, grilling implied steaks. Was it okay to assume that was Nyss's default, too? She could call and ask, but she'd made the invitation, and she felt it was her responsibility. She'd go with steaks.

She was just nervous. You're just making dinner for a dangerously attractive girl, what's to be nervous about?

Hannah hadn't been able to put anything about the previous night out of her mind. Ironically, what bothered her the least was the old lady's loss. Not that she'd lost empathy, or wasn't still sad about what had happened, but Nyss had been right. Sharing her pain had eased her anguish. She would be able to pursue her career, but it might take finding a friend as willing to take on her burdens as Nyss had been. Plus, involving Krys gave her a potential plan of action.

No, the feelings from last night that disturbed her were all about Nyss. The feel of her soft breast under her cheek... that had been invading her thoughts every five minutes or so. Hannah's mortification when she realized what she's been using for a pillow. Nyss quelling her panic by pretending her embarrassment was due to her tears harming Nyss's shirt. Nyss obviously knew the reason for her humiliation, but chose not to acknowledge it. Nyss calling her beautiful when she felt at her lowest. Nyss calling her hot for choices that other girls mocked.

If she wasn't careful, she might find herself falling for Nyss. She couldn't afford to do that when they could only have a few more weeks together.

She tried to ignore the voice within her, telling her it was already too late.

The grocery had fresh corn, so she picked up a couple of ears to grill along with the steaks. And marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, of course. Nyss would get her s'mores.

Hannah stacked and lit the charcoal well in advance of Nyss's visit. She changed into a dark blue button-down shirt over her cotton bandeau, open at the collar, with thigh-length tan cargo shorts and running shoes. She hoped Nyss wouldn't dress up.

Nyss texted that she was on the way. Hannah started heating water for garlic mashed potatoes, rearranged the charcoal on the grill, then waited a minute before placing the corn over the flames.

She'd told Nyss to come straight in when she arrived. When she heard her friend open the door, she looked up and froze. Nyss was wearing the ribbed crop top again, with a short skirt. No floppy hat this time. God, does she have any idea what she does to me? Hannah turned away before Nyss could notice her eyes bugging out like a cartoon character's. She took two craft beers from the fridge, then held one out to Nyss.

"Beer okay?" she asked, hoping Nyss wouldn't hear the rasp in her voice. "I don't think I have any wine."

"Beer's fine," Nyss replied, with a smile.

Hannah surreptitiously cleared her throat. "How do you like your steak?" she asked.

"Medium rare to medium," Nyss said. "Or whatever, really. I'm sure it will be good." She followed Hannah into the back yard, then looked around as Hannah turned the corn. "You have a huge yard."

"Yeah, the houses here do," Hannah replied. "The city is moving in this direction, and I think this will be a great family house, with plenty of room for a dog or two."

"You don't have any animals?" asked Nyss.

"I would like a couple of cats," Hannah said, "but I need to have the work further along first. I don't want a cat preying on local birds, and I can't keep one indoors right now."

"No dogs?" Nyss asked.

"I'd love a dog," Hannah admitted. "Especially a big dog, but there's no way I could look after one with my schedule. Maybe one day."

She checked the timer on her phone and moved back inside to work on the potatoes.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Nyss asked, from behind her. Very close behind her. Hannah's breath caught, and she was too jittery to turn to look at her. She carried the potatoes and garlic to the kitchen sink to drain.

"Sure," she said, turning to find Nyss at a less troubling distance. "You can mash the potatoes, while I take care of the steak."

Handing the masher to Nyss, she moved back to the grill, turned the corn, started the steaks cooking, then returned to interrupt Nyss to add butter, milk and seasonings to the potato, her arm brushing Nyss's.

When the steaks were done, Hannah set them aside to rest while she got everything ready, Nyss watching her with amusement.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"You're just very efficient," Nyss said. "You're a very organized person. It's a good thing."

"I don't feel very organized right now," Hannah said.

The sounds of appreciation Nyss made when she tasted the steak made Hannah's chest tighten. God, what would it be like to hear those sounds in a different setting?

Nyss complimented Hannah on the potatoes.

"I'm sure that's all due to the expert mashing," agreed Hannah, with a grin.

"But where are my s'mores?" Nyss asked. Hannah waved toward four foil-wrapped shapes on the counter.

When they were done eating, she moved the wrapped confections onto the grill, closed the grill with its cover, then cleared around the kitchen, directing Nyss to sit outside.

Soon they were sitting together on the patio sofa, each with a plate for s'mores and a replacement beer. Warmth from the grill reminded Hannah of sitting by the campfire just two days earlier.

"Ow!" Nyss yelped. "Shit. I burned my tongue."

"You could wait for it to cool," Hannah chided.

"No way," Nyss said. "This is the genuine experience. Especially sitting outside." She pried the confection apart to blow on the filling, then tried again, managing to take a bite without cursing.

The air was starting to cool, and insects were picking up their evening song. Most evenings, this brought Hannah a sense of peace, but this time her senses felt on edge.

"Nyss, have you had many girlfriends?"

Nyss made a strangled cough, mouth full of sticky marshmallow, then gave Hannah a wide-eyed look.

"Bad time to ask, sorry," Hannah said.

Her friend nodded and held up a finger. She took a paper towel and dabbed at her lips while she chewed and swallowed the bite of s'more.

"Are you asking how many relationships I've been in, or how many girls I've slept with?" Nyss asked, her tone quietly serious.

"I... don't think I have any right to know the second," said Hannah. "And probably not the first, but I'm curious. You seem to be someone who would have many opportunities to be with girls, but also someone who'd give a lot of herself to her partner. Can you do that if there are several?"

"Hmm," Nyss said. "My answer won't satisfy you. I've had four girlfriends, but I've never given much to any of them. One was before college, and I didn't sleep with her. Then four one-night stands. Those were only when I wasn't with anyone," she added. "I've never cheated."

When Hannah didn't respond immediately, Nyss added, "Does that offend you?"

Hannah shook her head. "It doesn't," she said, honestly, "but that doesn't seem like so many."

"I think it's fairly normal," Nyss said.

The idea that Nyss had had sex with seven girls didn't upset her. Obviously she would have an active sex life, but hearing her confirm that she had a sexual side brought heat to Hannah's cheeks and a thrill to her belly.

After a few seconds, Nyss said, "Do you want to tell me? Don't feel you have to."

Hannah understood the question. If she hadn't been willing to answer for her own experience she wouldn't have asked. Still, it was half a minute before she could, and her voice seemed especially thick.

"You've met my one girlfriend," Hannah said. "There were others before her whom I dated once or twice, but never became close. And I haven't slept with anyone."

Nyss's eyes rose. "Even Heather?"

Hannah sighed. "I think we both knew we weren't compatible for a long-term relationship, and I thought it would be harder on both of us if we'd become lovers. We really were never that close."

"Are you keeping yourself pure for marriage?" Nyss asked. There may have been a slightly teasing edge to her tone.

Hannah shook her head. "No, definitely not that. But I want to be with someone I care for. I don't want to be anyone's temporary distraction." She took a breath. "You had one-night stands, and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with it. But I am sure I never will. I think that for me there has to be a chance of a future. I didn't feel that there was one with Heather."

"I understand that," Nyss said.

Hannah was finding her chest constricting again. "But it feels like..." She cleared her throat. "It feels like even though I'm not your girlfriend, you've given a lot of yourself to me."

Nyss's eyes danced and a smirk crossed her lips, which parted as if to retort, probably with flirtatious banter. But she didn't speak. Hannah saw the smirk fade, Nyss's eyes holding hers, until she glanced away and nodded once.

So Nyss felt something, too. Something more - more even than girls she'd had sex with.

God, she had to put some distance between them. She couldn't allow her friend crush to take over. Nyss was leaving. In a few short weeks.

"Nyss..." she began. I think you should leave now. We should try to keep our distance. I hope you find someone you can give more of yourself to. Those were the things she should say. Instead, the words that came out of her mouth were, "I think I'd like to kiss you."

Nyss's eyes grew wide. "You would?" After a moment, she added, "Would you need to have a future with someone to kiss them?"

Hannah's heart seemed to be pounding at double speed, and her whole body was tingling with goosebumps. "No," she said, the word straining to emerge from her dry throat.

"I've wanted to kiss you too, honey," Nyss said. "I didn't think you felt that way. Are you sure?"

"I like to be... organized," Hannah said, "and calm, and I feel like a nervous little schoolgirl right now, but yes. I'm sure."

Nyss's fingers reached up to stroke Hannah's cheek, then slid around her neck. They guided her close, their touch gentle, giving Hannah the chance to back out. As if I would... Nyss's eyes were dark with desire, and fixed on hers, coming closer, closer...

Nyss's lips touched hers, tentatively, then drew back. Hannah leaned forward, Nyss's fingers behind her neck guiding her, but not pressuring her. Her breath caught as her lips touched Nyss's again, pressing against them for a moment. She felt Nyss's breath on her face, her lips parted to Hannah's. She responded, moving her open mouth to Nyss's.

Hannah's breathing accelerated as she felt soft lips giving way to hers, Their breath mingled, and the sense of Nyss yielding up some of her passion caused Hannah to groan unexpectedly. Nyss's fingers tightened on her neck, and she felt the skin of Nyss's waist beneath her hand, though she had no conscious awareness of reaching for her.

Nyss's body was firm to her touch. Muscles shifted beneath her fingers as the girl moved. Hannah opened her hand to place her palm on Nyss's waist, then felt Nyss angle her body closer on the patio sofa. The hand behind her neck slid forward over Hannah's chin, and a moment later her face was held between both of Nyss's hands.

Hannah parted her lips further as Nyss pressed her face against hers. The other girl's tongue sought entrance, then touched her own. Hannah groaned again. Nyss's tongue lapped at hers, and she felt a tingle in her sex as moisture spread into her cotton panties. She hoped there wasn't enough soaking into her cargo shorts for Nyss to notice.

When Nyss drew back, Hannah was panting, arousal making her whole body respond. Given the flush on Nyss's face, and the rise and fall of her shapely crop top, the more experienced girl wasn't unaffected. Good to know that this isn't just rookie shakes. Her friend's green eyes were still dark as they held hers.

"Is this okay?" Nyss asked.

Hannah didn't answer. She tried to keep the smile off her face, leaving the other girl wondering, as she picked up the uneaten part of her s'more. Nyss's look turned to confusion as Hannah stuck her finger into the now-cool gooey center, then smeared it onto her lips. Confusion became a grin as she looked into Nyss's brown eyes, wiping her finger on a paper towel. "Seems you missed some s'more filling."

"I guess I did," Nyss agreed, moving her mouth back to Hannah's.

This time she moved to face Hannah, as much as was possible on the furniture. Her butt was halfway off the seat, allowing her to turn further and press her body to Hannah's, her hands on the smaller girl's shoulders as she sucked sticky chocolate marshmallow from Hannah's lips, while Hannah chased Nyss's lips with her tongue.

Nyss sucked Hannah's tongue into her mouth. Hannah's heart beat furiously, and she gripped Nyss's waist with both hands, feeling the taller girl's excited breathing into the kiss, neither of them completely successful at suppressing moans of pleasure.

Nyss's fingers moved to the collar of Hannah's shirt, then slid down. Hannah felt them stroke lightly over her chest, continuing down, then moving back up, pushing against her small breasts. After a moment's indecision, Hannah released Nyss's waist, then moved a hand between two buttons of her shirt and yanked the bandeau down. Her nipples had swollen, and there was a spike of discomfort as the top of the bra pulled clear, then her hands were back on Nyss, while Nyss's fingers were caressing her breasts through the shirt, pinching and tugging on her hard nipples.

Hannah groaned, and the other girl pressed closer. Her own hands moved higher on Nyss's side, her thumbs touching the firm base of Nyss's bra, but somehow it seemed a much bigger deal to her to explore Nyss's impressive breasts, and after a moment she backed away. Besides, she wasn't going to be able to allow her friend to touch her for much longer. Already she was certain her pants would have a visible damp spot.

But, oh God, did this feel good.

Nyss was panting when she drew back, her eyes even darker. It excited Hannah to see the effect she had on her friend. With a lopsided grin, Nyss took the finger she'd used to spread s'more filling and sucked it between her lips. The surge of arousal that shot through Hannah was unexpected.

"Who knew s'mores could be so fun?" she asked.

"I can think of other uses for this information," Nyss said. Hannah was surprised to hear that her voice had dropped in pitch to her own register.

"God, I wish you weren't leaving," Hannah said.

"We have a few weeks yet," Nyss said. "Think positive. There's plenty of time for kissing."

Still holding Hannah's finger, she pressed it into the marshmallow core of her own unfinished s'more, then moved it back to her lips and suckled away every trace of the sticky paste, her eyes fixed on Hannah, who squirmed with the sensation. Still using Hannah's finger, she dipped a little more. This time she drew her lips and tongue over the finger, coating them, but instead of swallowing, she held Hannah's hands as she pressed her sticky lips to hers.

Hannah moaned with a new upwelling of arousal as she tasted the sweet chocolate flavoring of Nyss's lips as she licked and sucked them. Nyss continued to hold her hands. Then she felt soft fabric under her fingers. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized Nyss was holding her hands against Nyss's crop top, curving them around to cup her breasts.

She broke the kiss for a moment, panting rapidly, close to hyperventilating, as her eyes held Nyss's. Then she groaned, and latched her mouth onto Nyss's, sucking her sticky chocolate tongue as her hands squeezed the bra beneath her fingers. The bra was firm, but she could feel Nyss's breasts within yield to her touch. She pinched and gripped even when Nyss released her hands.

Hannah found herself wanting so much more from Nyss that it unnerved her. She released her hold on Nyss's tee and drew back. Her own arousal was reflected in Nyss's eyes, but her friend gave her space.

"You okay?" Nyss asked.

"Oh, yeah," Hannah said. "I... like touching you."

"I like it too," Nyss agreed. She moved her lips to Hannah's ear. "Maybe you could touch me without my bra next time."

Hannah managed to suppress her moan, but that didn't stop the sudden surge of moisture.


"I think I'm in trouble," Nyss confessed. Maeve and Zoe had both gone to bed for the night. Erin was playing a game on her notebook, but it looked like one she could pause. She looked up, closing the lid, while Faye set her Kindle down to pay attention.

"What kind of trouble?" Faye asked.

"Hannah?" asked Erin.

Shocked, Nyss stared at Erin. "How did you...?"

"Well, you spend all the time you can with her," said Erin, "and I think you've both been avoiding seeing how the other looks at you. When she eats dinner with us, I feel like I'm in a different room from the two of you, but you don't acknowledge it. I wondered which of you would be the first to recognize it."

Nyss thought for a moment. "I'm not sure which of us was," she said. "I kissed her. But I think it was what happened yesterday that made me realize how much I wanted to."

"What happened yesterday?" asked Faye. Then her hand immediately went to her mouth. "Oh, no, no! Forget I asked that. I don't need to know."

Nyss laughed. "No, it was nothing like that. I helped her with something, and I realized I want to keep doing that. To be there for her. But I'm leaving soon."

"Hmmm," said Erin, looking thoughtful.