Chapter 3 - Fangirls

It was months since the band had played the Moby Duck. It was here that Michelle had invited Kayla, on the night where everything went wrong. Or right, depending on your point of view. It was also here that the band debuted Jon's song, which was the first new piece that she'd been excited about, and which helped bring her back from the point of abandoning the band.

The Duck was the biggest, most popular venue in the area, and Michelle's favorite place to perform. The only show likely to be more significant to the band this year was their Saturday slot at the three day open air rock festival coming up next month. Last year they'd had a Friday slot, and in spite of Michelle's low enthusiasm it was a success. Saturday was a much bigger deal.

Michelle was completely focused on the show, and the fans responded. She wasn't the band's best musician. That was Sydney, without question. And though Jon venturing into writing was fairly new, she thought he might soon be penning their best songs. But it was Michelle who was the face of the band. Sydney's solos were hugely popular, but most fans were there to listen to Michelle screaming, and, frankly, to ogle her while doing so. That was shallow and sexist but popular, and the reason Michelle had such a steadfast following of groupies. Probably every one of them would be present at the Duck, and after tonight's show they'd be fired up.

Michelle had already arranged for Jon to take her bass. Since it was the Duck, there was a crew to dismantle the equipment, so all Michelle needed to do was take her instrument to Jon's SUV and she was done.

She had half expected Rose to show up. They'd only spent one night together since the conversation at the Level Grind and the ensuing steamy afternoon, but it had been as energetically satisfying as the earlier times.

What she hadn't expected was for Rose to appear with an arm around each of two young women. One of whom was the dark-haired girl she'd taken home before. She raised her eyebrows.

"Hey, Michelle," Rose said. "This is Brianna." She inclined her head toward the girl under her left arm. "And Cassandra here says you know her." She indicated the girl on her right.

"Sandy! Hey!" Michelle felt relief as the name finally came clear. She was beginning to suspect that she hadn't learned the girl's name at all. While their night together hadn't been legendary, it had been better than pleasant, and it had been important to Michelle's confidence in her recovering libido. Sandy deserved better than to have been a nameless fucktoy.

She smiled at Brianna and greeted her warmly, masking a touch of nervousness. Was she even eighteen? With high, prominent breasts in a willowy frame she seemed too young to allow into the bar. "You two know each other?"

"We're at school together," Brianna said, blushing furiously. "First year," she added, apparently aware of her young appearance and wanting to assure Michelle that she wasn't a high schooler. That was a relief. "I'm a, umm, a big fan. Sandy offered to, umm, introduce me, if she could... But I didn't know you, uh," she glanced between Michelle and Rose, her face flushing more deeply by the moment, "were with... uh... had.... some... someone here."

"It's okay," said Rose. "We're friends. You're not in the way. I can see Michelle any time, right?" she said, glancing at Michelle.

"Right," agreed Michelle, not sure what her friend had in mind.

"But listen," said Rose. "There's two of us and two of you. Or," she glanced between Brianna and Michelle. "Two of you, and two of us," tilting her head toward Sandy. "Why don't we all head to my place and get to know each other."

Sandy looked at Rose with interest. "Brianna was going to drive me home, unless..." she glanced between her friend and Michelle. "Unless she wasn't going home, and I'd take her car."

"She can still do that," Rose said. "Whenever you're ready."

Michelle saw Sandy's eyes flick over the girl on her left. "It would be nice for Bri," she said. "She really is a big fan." She looked at Michelle, then grinned. "Almost as much as I am. She was so excited when I told her you might talk to her."

"That's settled then," Rose said. She released Sandy, but kept her left arm around Brianna. In case she bolted, perhaps. The poor girl's face was crimson, and she looked like she wanted to dig a hole in the floor and hide in it. "Give me your number," Rose continued. "I'll text you my address and Michelle and I will meet you both there."


"This is not how I expected the evening to go," Michelle said as they drove away. "Did you really just set up a foursome with a pair of teenagers?"

"My bed's a California king," Rose said. "Room for four, if we're friendly. I think we're going to be very friendly. And Sandy's nineteen, and you already slept with her. Don't act like she's too young for you."

"And her friend?"

"Eighteen," Rose admitted. "Not far from nineteen, and she knows her own mind, even if she's a little starstruck."

"A little?" said Michelle. "She can barely put two words together."

"If she'd come to you as they'd intended, would you have taken her home?"

"If you hadn't been there, and no one else had caught my eye earlier..." She shrugged, but gave her friend a rueful smile. "Yeah, I guess I would. Though I was hoping to take you home, if you showed up."

"So you get the best of both worlds," said Rose, turning to flash her a smile. "But you know I'm perfectly okay with you choosing a fan over me."

"I know," Michelle said. "That's the only way this works, isn't it? Do you think they'll show?"

She saw Rose nod out of the corner of her eye. "I'd give it a seventy percent chance that they will, but if they don't you'll be stuck with me. Can you live with that?"

Michelle grinned. "Fuck, yeah. And even if they do show up, I'm not planning to leave when they do."

"Works for me," said Rose.


They waited outside Rose's house. It was a full five minutes before a dingy blue Toyota pulled up. Since the drive wasn't long, the delay must have meant that their guests had been debating their options.

Rose scooped up Sandy from the passenger side, putting a friendly arm around her back to guide her to the front door, while Michelle picked up the very nervous driver and walked beside her.

Inside, Rose offered coffee and beer. Brianna asked for a soft drink while everyone else chose beer. Rose distributed the beer, but instead of giving Sandy her drink, she set it on the table beside the armchair, then dropped into the chair, dragging Sandy down into her lap before taking the can and handing it to her, the girl still giggling.

Jesus, thought Michelle, just how young are these girls? Taking Brianna's elbow, she steered her to the couch. When the girl sat, she took her place beside her and draped her arm over her shoulders. Brianna shivered, the interaction of her friend with Rose seeming to make her more nervous.

Sandy was wearing a loose crop top that exposed several inches of skin. The fingers of both of Rose's hands spread around her waist, holding her in place, except where she released her to take a sip of her beer.

"So," Brianna said, "I think you, uh, you have a great voice."

"Thanks," Michelle said. ""You like to hear me scream?"

"I like to hear you scream,"" piped up Rose.

Sandy seemed to think that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard, collapsing into Rose, almost spilling her beer when Rose nipped at her ear.

"Sandy screams nicely, too," Michelle said.

"I can't believe you said that!" said Sandy, but she seemed anything but upset, her face coloring slightly. Rose murmured something directly into the girl's ear, and her eyes went wide, then she twisted in Rose's lap and whispered something back to her. Every time she turned the hem of her crop top seemed to ride higher. When she turned to face forward, Rose nipped at her ear again, bringing another round of giggles.

Michelle leaned close to Brianna, who shivered when Michelle's breath touched her ear. "I think she's on a post-concert high."

Brianna grinned, her nervousness seeming to lessen. "So am I," she admitted.

Rose nibbled Sandy's neck, causing the girl to squirm in her lap. Then she whispered into her ear, getting a nod in return. They both stood, Sandy sliding to the floor.

"I'm going to show Sandy around the house," she said, taking her hand. "You know where to find me. Join us when you can."

"Around the house" meant only a single room, of course. Rose's bedroom, the room with which Michelle herself was the most familiar. Rose left her door halfway open, not closing off Michelle's participation.

Michelle moved the arm that was over Brianna's shoulders closer to the girl's face, lifting her thumb to caress her cheek. She stiffened momentarily, then leaned against Michelle.

"Are you okay?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah," the girl said. "Just... umm. Partly it's fangirling. I can't believe I'm here. I've followed you since I was fifteen, when the band was still "Daughters of Darkness". I couldn't even come to the shows until I turned eighteen. I could only watch YouTube and listen to MP3s. I always thought you were so hot."

Michelle laughed. "I was hot? Where did I go wrong?"

Brianna flushed. "No! You still are! Obviously! I just can't believe I'm sitting here with you."

"You know I'm just a bartender, right?" Michelle said. "Eighteen bucks an hour plus tips."

The girl shook her head in adamant contradiction. "You're going places," she said. "You're going to be huge!"

Michelle reached her other hand over, taking the point of Brianna's chin and turning her to face Michelle. She brushed her thumb over her lips. The girl's eyes were enormous. "You said partly it's fangirling," Michelle said.

"Ah... well... I," Brianna said. "I, uh, don't have a lot of experience. With, you know. This."

"This being seduced by a rock star?" Michelle let a good amount of irony suffuse the last words.

"Well, uh, yeah," said Brianna, blinking, as Michelle still held her chin. "Or, umm, you know, anyone else? I tried to talk Sandy out of it, but, you know..."

The poor girl seemed on the point of hyperventilating. She blinked rapidly as Michelle's thumb stroked her lips again. "So kiss me," Michelle said.

Brianna made a tiny nod, then moved close, her arms staying by her side as Michelle touched her lips to hers. Her mouth remained closed against Michelle's, though her body had softened in Michelle's grip as she held the girl's shoulders.

Breaking from Brianna's lips, Michelle kissed the girl's chin and throat. She felt her hands move to her waist. Drawing her closer, she tried to coax the girl's lips to part. This time she succeeded. When she sucked her upper lip into her mouth, she felt Brianna quiver, her breath tickling Michelle as she panted through her nose. Then, again, her body relaxed.

Michelle drew one hand down, slowly, over Brianna's chest, letting it trail over her breast. The girl's breathing deepened, but she offered no resistance when the hand moved back up to circle her nipple. Instead, the hands on Michelle's waist tightened. She moved back from Brianna's mouth, then reconnected her lips to Brianna's. This time they parted readily, the girl moaning when Michelle brushed her tongue against hers.

Tugging on Brianna's tight tee shirt, she pulled it out of her jeans and caressed her waist. She didn't wait long before lifting it. Brianna raised her arms for her to take the shirt off, leaving her in a white full coverage bra, which seemed just a little too full for her teen-slender chest and waist.

When Michelle closed her finger and thumb over a nipple, Brianna moaned again and pressed her body to Michelle's. She may not be as experienced as her friend Sandy clearly had been, but she was eager. Michelle lowered her other hand, trapping both nipples between finger and thumb, feeling them swell as she pinched and twisted lightly.

Sounds began to emerge from the bedroom. Brianna's eyes widened at the moan, which was followed by laughter. A moment later, there was another moan. Michelle couldn't be absolutely certain, but she thought the passionate moaning was Rose, with the laughter being mostly Sandy's.

Releasing Brianna's breasts, Michelle unsnapped the top button of her skinny jeans, then proceeded down the button fly, opening every button. Brianna shivered against her as she stroked the front of her damp panties.

Standing, Michelle removed her top, exposing her red cage bra and most of her tattoos. Stepping out of her own jeans, she allowed Brianna's gaze time to travel over her body, appreciatively if nervously, before tugging the girl's jeans down. They kissed again, their bodies touching. Brianna's unpracticed kiss was becoming more passionate and less restrained. Michelle touched her panties, pressing firmly against her mound, circling her fingers. The girl began to moan with each breath.

"Come on," Michelle said, taking Brianna's hand. The girl balked as she led her toward the door to the bedroom, but Michelle urged her on. They stepped in to find the others completely naked, Rose on her back with her knees raised, Sandy between them. Brianna's face turned scarlet, and she seemed close to hyperventilating again as Sandy bent her head to lick Rose's pussy.

"Look at me, not them," Michelle said, as she turned Brianna to face her, moving her back against the bed.

Fitting her thigh between Brianna's legs, Michelle kissed Brianna again. She pinched her nipples through her bra, tugging the hard nubs with finger and thumb. Brianna moaned softly. Being pushed back, she held onto Michelle to prevent her from losing her balance, with the result that her sex was pushed even more firmly to Michelle's leg.

Rose was watching, though her eyes were dark with arousal as Sandy licked her. Seeing Michelle's activity, she held up one hand to Sandy, then rolled closer to Michelle's side of the bed. Reaching up, she unfastened Brianna's bra, and in a fluid motion, as if practiced, Michelle drew the cups away.

Brianna made a startled sound as teamwork rendered her instantly topless, while Rose smirked as she moved back, lifting her knees to allow Sandy access. Michelle dropped the bra, then slid her fingers over the newly exposed breasts, squeezing them, finding them surprisingly firm, springy to her touch. As she covered more of the delicious breasts, compressing them in her hand, she felt a deep moan form within Brianna's chest.

Breaking the kiss, Michelle lowered her face to the girl's left breast, suckling hard. Brianna still had to hold onto her to keep from falling back onto the bed, the grip pressing her body against Michelle's. She gasped with arousal, her breasts quivering.

Having seen Rose assist Michelle in undressing her friend, Sandy chose to join the action. The fingers of one hand were buried inside Rose, but the other was free, so while she continued to lick Rose's sex, she reached out to take Brianna's panties and push them over her hips onto her thighs.

"Oh, God," groaned Brianna, as Michelle took over, tugging the panties down, leaving the girl naked before her.

Moving her thigh back from Brianna, Michelle parted her legs, Brianna's butt resting on the bed, and caressed her slit, finding her thoroughly wet. Brianna gasped as her fingers explored, penetrating slightly, then stroking around her lips. She lightly brushed her fingers against the girl's clit, producing a moan even louder than Rose's.

Michelle squatted between Brianna's knees and began to lick. Brianna began to lose control, panting and moaning, but Michelle didn't allow her to get too close to release. Brianna's hands tangled in her hair as she caressed her clit with her tongue.

Standing, Michelle kissed the girl again. Brianna shuddered as her tongue touched Michelle's. For the first time she reached for Michelle's bra, clumsily grasping her breasts as she panted rapidly into the kiss.

Pushing Brianna back until she overbalanced, Michelle held the girl, lowering her to the bed beside Rose, who scooted across slightly to give her room. Then Rose reached out to take the closer breast in her hand as Michelle resumed caressing her sex, still sharing a kiss that grew even more passionate.

When Michelle broke the kiss, Brianna's moaning was constant. Michelle moved between the girl's legs, grinning at Sandy beside her, before lowering her face to Brianna's thighs, drawing her tongue over the girl's labia.

Brianna cried out, clearly overwhelmed. At the sound, Rose reached for the girl's face, turning it toward herself, then drew it to her own, capturing her mouth with her own. Michelle could hear Brianna pant into the kiss as Rose returned to squeezing her breast, while Michelle lapped at her clit.

Michelle felt the tension in the girl's thighs that told her she'd gone beyond her ability to prevent what was coming. She rubbed Brianna's clit firmly with her tongue as the girl's back arched. Brianna broke the kiss and howled out a moan. A moment later, Rose rolled to the side, as much as she could without losing contact with Sandy's tongue, wrapping her arm around Brianna and pulling her back into a passionate kiss as her own climax hit, each girl's impassioned cries muffled by the other's mouth.

Sandy was panting excitedly when she finally released Rose. Michelle drew back from her work and winked at her. "Teamwork," she said, then she and Sandy exchanged a high five.

"You know, you're the only one here still dressed," said Sandy.

"You could do something about that," Michelle suggested, sliding off the bed to stand before the girl, who squatted on the covers, "since our friends here are going to be too overwhelmed to help."

"Speak for yourself," croaked Rose, but Sandy had already reached both arms around Michelle and was unfastening her bra. A moment later, she was drawing it down her arms, taking the opportunity to suckle, making Michelle sigh with arousal, while she took the opportunity to remove Michelle's jeans, her panties coming with them.

Michelle grinned at Sandy. "You're efficient," she said, then tangled her fingers in Sandy's hair, holding her face against her breast.

Rose was still partially rolled onto Brianna. "How was that?" she asked her.

Brianna seemed still to be trying to catch her breath. "Holy shit," she breathed, at last. "Holy shit."

Michelle saw her friend roll all the way onto the younger girl, threading her thigh between Brianna's. She began to kiss the girl. The surprised grunt that she made suggested that Brianna's response was unexpectedly fiery. When Brianna's hands moved around her back it was clear that she wanted more.

Lifting Sandy's face from her breast, Michelle gave her a brief kiss, then lifted a hand to slip a finger between her lips. As Sandy suckled, she said, "It doesn't look like we're needed here for a while."

Rose broke the kiss she shared with Brianna at that, laughing, which caused Brianna to moan. "I think you're right," Sandy said. "Shall we make our own fun?"

"Already working on it," said Michelle, drawing her finger down Sandy's body to find her extremely wet. She sought the girl's clit, causing her to gasp as she slowly rubbed it between finger and thumb.

"Oh, Jesus," gasped Sandy. Her hands grasped the bedcover and her hips rocked forward.

"You liked that?" asked Michelle, circling her finger.

The girl's hips thrust forward again.

"Turn around, and get on your knees," Michelle instructed. When Sandy did so, she moved her hand between the girl's thighs. Still standing beside the bed, she pushed two fingers into her sex, reaching forward, curling her fingers, until her fingers met the rough surface of her G-spot. She began to pump her fingers in a rotating motion.

Immediately, Sandy began to jerk her hips forward, her thighs tensing. Michelle had a clear side view of her breasts swinging back and forth.

When Sandy began to moan, Michelle licked the fingers of her free hand, then wrapped them around the girl's thigh, stroking her pussy, gradually slipping them higher until they brushed her clit. Sandy's hips moved more sharply. With each stroke she let out a strangled, "Yes! Yes!" until she cried out "Oh, God!" before a plaintive cry broke from her lips as Michelle felt the girl's sex contracting rapidly around her fingers.

"See," Michelle rasped. "I told you she screams nicely."

Rose laughed, drawing another moan from the girl beneath her, who wrapped her legs around Rose and began to buck. "You did," she said, her voice thick. She moved with Brianna for a time. Sandy's head was resting on the bed, but her knees still held her sex high as Michelle withdrew her fingers.

Brianna's moans were becoming desperate when Rose rolled away from her with obvious reluctance.

"Don't stop," begged Brianna, but Rose moved away.

"I'm monopolizing your time," Rose told her. "You came to be with your rock diva. I don't want to realize tomorrow that you spent the whole night with a random waitress."

"Rather than a random bartender," Michelle added, with a grin, as she took Rose's place, sliding her body up between Brianna's legs.

Instead of kissing Brianna on the lips, she lowered herself to the girl's breasts, her lower belly against Brianna's pussy. She closed her lips over her left nipple and began to suckle. The girl beneath her let out a groan, then wrapped her arms around Michelle's shoulders, hand against the back of her head.

Reaching down for the girl's thighs, Michelle lifted them, wrapping Brianna's legs around herself. Then she moved her hands back to Brianna's hips. Pressing her belly firmly to the girl, she began to slide her body up and down against her sex.

She released Brianna's breasts and just moved against her for a while. The girl's fingers tightened in her hair, drawing her toward her breasts, but she resisted for now, feeling the excitement growing in Brianna's lithe body. She looked at her pale skin with dark pink nipples and swollen areolae. The bed rocked as Rose and Sandy negotiated something, but she wasn't listening to the words.

"Your breasts are so delightful," she murmured. "So high and firm, and so responsive." She ran a finger over her left breast, feeling the girl quiver beneath her. "They get so hard and sensitive when I kiss them."

Brianna made a sound of need, fingers tangling in Michelle's hair. The pulse point in her neck was visibly ticking, the girl's heartbeat rapid.

"How does it feel when I drag my teeth over your nipple?" Michelle asked, doing that without using her lips.

"Ohh!" groaned Brianna.

"What about this?" Michelle asked, releasing her hips for a moment to pinch both nipples firmly, twisting and stretching them. Brianna's hips slammed upward into her belly before easing back down to the bed. She whimpered softly.

Relenting, Michelle covered her right breast with her mouth and resumed suckling. Brianna's whole body quivered. After several seconds, her hips lifted in a rhythm that matched the movement of Michelle's body against hers.

Switching back to Brianna's left breast, Michelle detached the girl's hands from her head, moving them to the sides of Michelle's breasts, squashed as they were against Michelle's lower ribs. Each stroke of their bodies changed the way her breasts were compressed, Brianna's fingers exploring the changes.

Michelle had ignored the bed shaking and the low voices beside her, but when someone's breath caught she turned her head, Brianna's breast still sucked back into her mouth, to see what was going on.

Rose was lying on her back, her knees up, while Sandy knelt between them, leaning forward. Though Rose's thighs hid the space between the girls' bodies, she could see the straps of Rose's harness around Sandy's hips. Rose was directing her with a soft voice. It was Rose's breath catching she'd heard as Sandy was penetrating her.

The sight stoked Michelle's arousal, and she found herself pushing her body harder against Brianna's. She felt the girl respond with greater pressure, her breathing heavier.

Sandy leaned forward, her elbows on the bed by Rose's shoulders. Rose's face lifted, her mouth meeting Sandy's, both girls making impassioned sounds into their kiss. Sandy's breasts were suspended above Rose's, her nipples caressing Rose's as they moved together.

Unable to resist, Michelle reached out to grasp Sandy's closest breast, squeezing it hard before pinching and twisting her nipple. Sandy made a strangled sound, then broke the kiss to pant for a few seconds before attacking Rose's mouth with even greater passion.

That was too much for Michelle. She wanted her lips on Brianna's. Releasing Sandy's breast, she grasped Brianna's hips, lifting and sliding her body higher, bringing her face above the girl's. Her sex lay against Brianna's, and her breasts crushed Brianna's to her chest. She savaged Brianna's lips and tongue with her own, drawing a moan from the girl, whose hips lifted against hers.

Reaching out again, Michelle grabbed Sandy's breast, compressing it with her palm as her hips rocked, her sex dragging powerfully against Brianna's clit. The girl beneath her was overwhelmed within seconds, her cries muffled by Michelle's mouth as she writhed and spasmed. Michelle kept thrusting, and in just a couple more strokes her own orgasm caught fire. She collapsed onto the girl beneath her, still moving as pleasure washed through her, passionate sounds from deep in her throat joining those of Brianna's.

"Oh, fuck," breathed Michelle, Brianna's eyes were alight with sated desire, and the smile she wore seemed almost a smirk.

Brianna's head turned to watch Sandy and Rose coupling beside her. Her face was flushed from her climax, but she seemed hungry for the sight of the passion between the other girls. Michelle reached for her hand, squeezing it affectionately, then moved it to Sandy's breast. The girl immediately covered the breast with her hand, her attentions seeming to inspire her friend, who bucked hard as she fucked Rose with the dildo, mouth claiming Rose's.

Michelle recognized the expression on Rose's face when she came. Her climax didn't seem quite as consuming as those she'd shared with Michelle, but it was still exciting to see how she came apart. There was no jealousy or envy at someone else giving her occasional lover these feelings. When she'd signed up for this relationship she knew Rose would find pleasure with others, and although she hadn't expected those activities to be three feet away from her with shared partners, the closeness consolidated their agreement, in a way. They each knew first-hand that the other was nonchalant about them being with others.

As her friend's O-face was softening into a contented smile, Sandy eased away from her. She glanced at Brianna's hand on her breast, at which Brianna drew back quickly, seeming embarrassed. Michelle chuckled, then lightly caressed her side.


Rose moved from beneath Sandy, who rolled onto her back, breathing deeply. Without comment, Rose unsnapped the dildo from the harness, rolled the protective condom off it, wrapping the used rubber in a tissue and tossing it into her trash can.

"I think it's time for the two of you to make out," Rose said, looking between Sandy and Brianna. "We can't end the evening without you giving Michelle and me a "barely legal" show." She managed to make the words sound self-deprecatingly ironic.

"We're just friends," Sandy objected. "Right, Bri? She's not my girlfriend."

"You've never even fantasized about making out with her?" Rose asked, her tone incredulous. "You've never wanted to make her blush?" She turned to Michelle. "What was your first thought on meeting Briana?"

"That she was an attractive girl who seemed very pleased to see me," said Michelle. "But my second thought was how I'd love to get her naked and get my mouth on her breasts."

The girl she still snuggled squeaked, then kissed her neck.

"Wouldn't it be unfair if Michelle got to do that, and you don't even get to kiss her?" Rose coaxed. "Brianna, would you like to kiss Sandy while you have the chance?"

Brianna stopped kissing Michelle's collar bone long enough to look over at her friend. "Kinda," she admitted.

"Wouldn't you like that?" Rose asked Sandy, who glanced at her friend.

"She is kinda hot, isn't she?" Sandy replied. "Even when she isn't naked under a hot rock star. Sure, if Michelle will let her go."

"Slide closer to the middle of the bed," Rose instructed. Sandy shuffled toward the center, while Brianna crawled closer, then lay on her belly beside her, her face turned to her friend's. They began to kiss, cautiously, taking care not to get any closer.

Amused by the girls' reticence, Michelle stretched herself along Brianna's back, curling an arm around her. She ran her nails over the girl's belly, then raised her fingers to her breasts, caressing one, then the other. She felt her breath catch. Brianna's nipples had lost some of their firmness, so she pinched and squeezed, feeling them take shape.

"Do you like that?" Michelle murmured, as Brianna's breathing became heavier. The girl nodded, her lips still against her friend's. "Would you like Sandy to do it?" She nodded again.

Reaching across Brianna's body, she took Sandy's hand, which was on the bed before her, lifting it to Brianna's breast. Sandy's fingers stiffened on contact, but after a moment they curled around to cup her breast. Brianna eased herself forward, allowing Sandy to reach more easily, then rested her own hand on Sandy's belly.

Rose was sitting on the side of the bed, doing something with the dildo she'd taken from the strap-on. Michelle ignored her, sliding forward to close the gap with Brianna, her chest against the girl's back. She trailed her fingers down her belly, over her sex, lightly circling them over her mound. Brianna made a soft sound, at which Sandy slid closer, her fingers tightening around Brianna's nipple.

A moment later, Brianna also closed the gap between their bodies, lifting herself onto her elbows to ease her chest over her friend's, positioning her face directly above hers.Sandy made a sound in her throat, and moved her hand from Brianna's breast to caress her side.

Rose clambered back onto the bed, having finished what she was working on. She set the re-wrapped dildo and lube bottle between the girls, then positioned herself behind Sandy. Brianna's body covered Sandy's left breast. Rose lowered her mouth to her exposed right nipple. Sandy moaned as she started to suckle.

Michelle moved down the bed to between Brianna's legs. She ran her hand beneath the girl's body, caressing her moist slit. Brianna's body curled into her touch, and Michelle heard the aroused sounds she made into the kiss.

"Lift up," she said, pushing against Brianna's hips to show what she meant, and the girl lifted herself to knees and elbows. Her chest was still mostly over Sandy's, but her hips were beside her friend's, leaving space between her thighs that Michelle could fill. She lay on her back and eased her head beneath Brianna's sex.

Nosing the girl's clit, Michelle slipped a finger into her, turning it and sliding it in and out. To the side, she saw Rose working a hand under the straps of the harness Sandy was wearing, and judging by the way the other girl writhed, her fingers were exploring Sandy's sex. Rose's mouth still worked on Sandy's breast.

Michelle withdrew her finger, then opened the lube and began to work it into and around Brianna's passage. Then she blew lightly against Brianna's clit, rewarded with a rising moan from the girl, and increased small movements of her upper body as the kiss she shared with Sandy.

Taking the dildo from the bed, Michelle used both hands to lube it, her breath tickling Brianna's clit. She pressed the dildo between the girl's pussy lips, the well-lubed condom slipping a half inch into her.

Brianna tensed. "What are you doing?" she groaned.

Michelle's lips were against her clit as she spoke, making the girl's thighs quiver. "It's the toy," she said. "I'm holding it. Just let me know if I'm going too fast."

From the panting sounds Brianna was making, her lips weren't on Sandy's, but her friend was moaning softly as Rose fingered her while suckling her breast, and as Michelle pushed the toy further inside, Michelle could hear the sounds change as the girls' kiss resumed. She let the dildo slide out, replenished the lube, then pushed it deeper, extending her tongue to caress Brianna's clit.

When the toy was deep inside the girl, she began to fuck her with it, slowly. Brianna's hips began to rock against her touch. Her clit swelled, and her arousal coated Michelle's nose and lips. She could see Sandy's body writhing against the bed beside her, both girls now making sounds of passion, muffled by their kiss.

The bed shook, and she heard Rose's feet on the floor. Her friend moved up to her, leaning in while standing, taking the dildo from Michelle, who slid out from beneath Brianna's body.

Rose pumped the dildo a few times, slowly, but over its full depth, then tapped Brianna's hip. "Move this way," she commanded. "All the way over her."

Brianna didn't question the instruction, moving directly over Sandy's body. Then, wordlessly, she eased one of Brianna's knees back, and the girl took the cue to stretch her legs out and lower her elbows, so that her body lay entirely along her friend's. Both girls made excited sounds as their bodies came into full contact.

Rose slid the dildo up and down a few times, though she no longer had much freedom of movement. "Up just a little," she told Brianna, pressing against the underside of her thighs. When the girl complied, she drew the dildo out far enough to snap into the harness. After checking that it was secure, she moved back to smirk at Michelle.

Of course the girls had known what they were doing at every point. Encouraged by Michelle and Rose they'd shared a kiss in the first place, moving quickly beyond that to making out and more, to erotic activity moderated by the older women but still with each other, communicating their growing arousal with kissing and touch, with moans and movement. If Rose had fingered Sandy to climax, or if Michelle had taken Brianna there with her tongue or the dildo, they'd have gladly reached orgasm in the other's arms.

But they had both been uneasy about getting too close to each other, and now one was inside the other and they were actively fucking. They froze at the realization. Their flushed faces and rapid breathing bordering both excitement and panic. Briana tried to reposition her body to relax against her friend's, but that must have shifted the dildo, and the movement caused her to moan. Sandy ran her hands over her friend's lower back and ass, while trying not to move, but the situation seemed to be giving the girls an erotic charge, and they couldn't help but squirm, which caused more moaning.

"Do you know what I think our friends would like?" asked Rose.

"I think they like everything right now," Michelle said.

"Mmm, but what they'd really like is to see their idol coming in ecstasy," Rose suggested. She tossed pillows against the headboard as she climbed down.

"I might like to see that, too," Michelle agreed, repositioning herself against the pillows.

Returning with a toy that Michelle hadn't seen before, Rose parted her friend's legs and opened the bottle of lube. The toy was a pink cylinder with a curving tip, which Michelle recognized with interest as a G-spot vibrator. She lightly lubed the toy, then gently eased it into Michelle before turning it to the lowest setting.

Once the toy was inside, Rose stretched out on the bed, face down, her head between Michelle's knees. She immediately began to lap at Michelle's clit, gently at first, but with increasing vigor as Michelle responded, increasing the vibrator setting and moving it for maximum effect.

Michelle understood that Rose wasn't attempting to be subtle. She wanted to take Michelle hard and fast in the presence of the girls, giving them a rock star-worthy performance. Still, she fought against the tide of arousal that the vibe and Rose's tongue were ramming into her. At the same time, she wanted more, so she pinched and tugged on her own nipples, trying to suppress a cry each time she exhaled.

At some point, she became aware that the frantic breathing from the coupling teens beside her had become the liquid sound of kissing, passionate and desperate. That was the last she heard before the cries of her own need filled her awareness. She crested, her eyes closed, face toward the ceiling as her back arched away from the supporting pillows.

When Michelle's thoughts began to clear, she looked down to find Rose's amused gaze on hers. She reached down to lift Rose's face from her sex. Her friend cheekily extended her tongue to draw over Michelle's clit one final time, then she withdrew the inert vibrator, setting it aside as she curled her body around Michelle's. Michelle wrapped an arm around her to keep her from rolling off the edge of the bed.

On the other side of the bed, Brianna was inexpertly but effectively drawing herself up and down Sandy's fake shaft. The panic was past. The sounds and movements of both teens were pure lust that - for now at least - excluded the two older women.

Michelle absently caressed Rose as she continued to watch. Panting hard, Brianna broke their kiss and raised herself to her elbows. Sandy glanced down between their bodies, where Brianna's breasts stretched down to touch her own, and groaned. She grasped Brianna's breasts in both hands, squeezing firmly.

When Brianna moaned at the touch, Sandy lifted her by her breasts far enough to curl forward and fasten her lips to a nipple. The sounds Brianna made rose in pitch.

Sandy's own breasts were swaying free below her friend. Michelle whispered into Rose's ear. "Should we help out?" Rose gave her an amused smile and slid off her onto the floor.

Positioning herself beside Sandy, Michelle slid her hand between the squirming bodies, drawing Sandy's breast to her mouth. On the girl's other side, Rose did the same.

"Nn, Nnn," Sandy moaned into the nipple between her lips. Perhaps there were words in the cry. Michelle wasn't sure.

Brianna cried out. Her belly twitched and her movements slowed.

Sandy thrust her hips harder. "Don't stop," she pleaded, the breast sliding from her lips.

Brianna gamely tried to move against the dildo as she continued to moan in pleasure, and Michelle felt Sandy's body tense, then quiver as she joined her friend in delight.


"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" Michelle asked. She'd borrowed a lightweight robe from Rose as the girls had collected their clothing.

Brianna was struggling into her tight tee shirt. "Yeah, we'll be fine, and it isn't far."

Sandy leaned close and whispered in her ear. Brianna nodded, her face coloring slightly. Michelle suspected that her friend had either suggested Brianna spend the remainder of the night with her or invited herself to Brianna's rather than driving to both places.

Her suspicions seemed confirmed when Brianna awkwardly took Sandy's hand when they were fully dressed.

"See you at another show," Michelle suggested as they left together.


As the girls left, Michelle breathed a sigh of relief. She'd more than enjoyed the evening, and the glow of passion still filled her, but all she wanted to do now was curl up with Rose and sleep. She returned to the bedroom, already slipping off the borrowed robe, then froze, her breath whooshing out of her.

Her friend was lying on the remains of the bed, face down. Her hair was a damp tangle. Her arms were folded on a pillow, her face resting on them, turned toward the door. Her back bowed, hips against the sheet which still mostly covered the mattress, chest held aloft by her arms on the pillow. The space beneath it was filled with the sight of a breast, full at the top, tapering into a point which pushed into the bed. An errant sheet had wrapped around Rose's legs, but most of her ass peeked out.

Michelle didn't believe that she'd ever seen a more perfect vision. Rose was pure sex, coy but open, glowing with desire, naked but needing to be exposed. The surge of arousal Michelle felt made her weak. Her sex tingled as it tried to become moist, but she didn't think she had anything left.

Rose watched with amusement as Michelle gathered herself. Her body shifted slightly to get a better view, lifting the visible breast so that her swollen areola was partly visible. Michelle's breath caught as she thrilled anew at the sight. She strode into the room, tossing the robe onto a chair. Finding the discarded harness, she tore off the condom, replaced it, then thrust it toward Rose, as her friend's amused gaze stayed on her.

"Put this on," Michelle said. "I'm going to ride."

Rose laughed. "Yessir, ma'am," she said. "Are you sure you're up for it?"

"I don't fucking know," Michelle admitted, "but I know what I need." She opened the lube and used it to add to her inadequate wetness. When Rose tightened the harness straps, she lubed the condom, too.

Then she was straddling Rose's thighs, using her hands to guide the dildo, smearing additional lube until Rose was deep, deep inside her. Gripping her friend's hips, she began to move.

It didn't take long until she was panting with lust. She reopened the bottle of lube, daubing it on her right middle finger, then touched her finger to her clit. With her left hand she pressed hard against the harness, finding Rose's mound and rubbing it as her own clit stroked against the lubed finger.

"Oh, fuck!" she yelped. "Fuck, babe, I'm gonna come." She gasped. "Can you come with me?"

"I think so," Rose croaked. She grasped her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples so hard Michelle thought she saw pain lancing over her face. "Yes," she gasped. "Come for me, babe."

Michelle moved both hands to Rose's hips, slamming her sex down hard against the girl beneath her. "God, Rose, I want you so much..." she groaned, before the wave exploded within her, wrecking her.

Rose groaned beneath her. Her face contorted, then her eyes suddenly opened and her lips widened. "God, yes, I'm coming, babe. I'm coming!" Michelle felt the girl's hips rise as her back arched. She slowed her movements, now completely spent, as the twitching of Rose's belly subsided.

Stretching her legs out behind her, Michelle collapsed forward unto her lover.

"I'm done for," she whined.

"Not surprising, babe," Rose said, in barely more than a whisper.

It must have been several minutes before Rose spoke again. "Hey, Michelle? Tell me something."

"What's that?" Michelle asked.

"Were we ever as young as those two?"

Michelle chuckled, her breasts quivering against her lover's. "I dunno about you, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't. 'Course, I was with Kim at their age. We'd have been married if it had been legal, and were, the moment it was."

"Oh, fuck, right," Rose said. "So you were never a band groupie, I guess."

"Not a chance. Were you?"

She felt Rose shake her head. Her hair tickled. "No." After a few seconds she chuckled. "Maybe that's why I like you. I'm a developmentally delayed groupie."

"Sounds like good motivation for me never to quit the band," Michelle said.