Chapter 2 - The Arrangement

The coffee shop had changed over the years. Its current incarnation as a gaming-themed location named "Level Grind" had become a big hit with its core customer base of college students. Michelle wasn't one of that number, but she had other reasons to appreciate the location, such as the artwork contributed by her friend and coworker Austin, whose girlfriend was a barista here. The shop manager, Heather, and her fiancée were regulars at Gabby's, Michelle's other place of work.

Also, it had the best coffee around, and pricing tailored for student budgets.

Arriving early for her meeting, Michelle had picked up a cappuccino, and had taken a table in the center, less popular with notebook-toting students, then spent her time observing the decor. Austin's creations shared space with pride flags and other symbols of inclusion, most of which predated the shop's recent redecoration.

When Rose arrived, she gave Michelle a mischievous grin before standing in line for her coffee. Michelle suddenly found the wall art less engrossing compared to the tight ivory shorts and long expanse of leg as her friend - did she count as a friend, now? - placed her order. It was disappointing that her tan lightweight jacket hid her highly observable ass, but the sight of the muscles of her thighs and calves was a fair temporary substitute.

Michelle no longer thought of her libido as being out of action. At last week's gig, one of the band's fans, a cute, dark-haired girl of about nineteen, had made eye contact with her. The hunger in the girl's eyes had ignited a matching thrill low in Michelle's body, the ennui of the past year completely absent. When the girl sought her out after the show, Michelle made a snap decision to take her home. If the evening didn't go well, she might be reluctant to try again, but the night with Rose had left her hopeful.

The private afterparty had been a success, yielding Michelle a single but very pleasurable climax, while she had the dark-haired girl crying out her name three times. Lust, she now knew, could again be part of her vocabulary.

Even so, the magnetic pull of Rose's body puzzled Michelle. She tried to force herself to remember the name of the dark-haired girl to steer her mind from memories of Rose's perfect breasts and creamy skin.

She still hadn't remembered the name when the chair on the other side of the table was pulled back. Rose hadn't waited for her order to be prepared, heading directly for Michelle's table.

Seen from the front, Rose's light jacket was open, revealing a cami in a silk satin gold that matched her hair, tight at the chest, but loosely draped over her belly, ending no more than an inch above the lightweight ivory drawstring shorts, which hugged her hips just as snugly as Michelle had guessed.

Thoughts of the cute but nameless groupie fled from her mind as Rose dropped into the chair across from her. "So, hi," she said as she sat.

"Hi yourself," responded Michelle.

Rose looked around the room, much as Michelle had been doing before she'd arrived. "The place is different each time I visit," she said.

"Is that..." Michelle began, then stopped herself. She held up a finger as the other woman turned back to look at her. "I mean, what I should say is..." She smirked at Rose. "Do you come here often?"

Rose snorted, then shook her head. "Not often." She leaned forward and lowered her voice, conspiratorially. "No offense, but too many students."

Michelle returned her half-smile. "Try to sound impressive as they look down on you, and don't tip for shit?" When her companion raised an eyebrow she said, "I tend bar, remember? I feel your pain."

Rose laughed. "Yeah, I guess you do."

With a sigh, Michelle added, "Though they're also our most reliable fans."

She raised her paper cup, intending to comment about the quality of the coffee, but she glanced up to see the tall redhead, Heather, approaching their table.

Rose turned to see what had caught her attention as Heather arrived, a slight blush on her porcelain cheeks, a large, disposable cup in her hand, her auburn hair as impossibly perfect as ever. "I brought your latte," she said to Rose.

"I wasn't expecting personal service," Rose replied, taking the proffered cup.

"I didn't know you knew each other," Heather offered, giving Michelle a quick smile. "When I saw you head over here I decided I had to say hello to both of you together."

"And I didn't know you two were friends," interjected Michelle.

"Oh, yes," said Heather. "Rose is the reason my parents disowned me, I lost my college fund, and had to take a job here to stay at school." She beamed and squeezed the blonde's shoulder. "And I love her for it. I'd better get back." She turned and strode back to the espresso machine.

"Well, that was something," Michelle said, then eyed Rose curiously.

Her companion shrugged. "Long story. You could say I helped her find herself."

Michelle smirked, eyebrows raised. "You and Heather? I'd never have guessed."

"Never did," the woman said, "but you're on the right green. Ask her about it. Unfortunately, her parents are bigots, so she went through a hard time along the way."

Michelle looked over to the counter. Heather caught her eye and smiled, coloring as she often did, before delivering a coffee to the next customer in line. Michelle had seen her with her partner at Gabby's and knew that whatever had happened in the meantime, Heather was happy with her status.

Michelle looked into the green eyes across from her. The woman was watching her with an expression of interest. Michelle swirled her coffee around in the paper cup, then took a sip. "You made a mess of my mirror, you know?" she said, with a grin.

"Well, sorr-ee," Rose retorted. "I wasn't going to wake you hunting down a piece of paper at four a.m. And I only had your friend Kayla's number until you texted me to meet here."

Michelle hoped that she was striking a balance between humor and sarcasm. "I don't usually trade numbers with overnight guests."

"Do most overnight guests show you such a good time?" Rose countered.

"Mmm. No way," Michelle said. "The last time one did, it led to my divorce."

Rose's eyes continued to hold hers as she shook her head, a smile on her lips. "So you said. But to answer the question you haven't asked, I wanted you to call, because I wanted to see you again."

Michelle tried to suppress a grimace. She didn't want to reject the chance for friendship. She just had to set ground rules, not drive Rose away. "You know I'm not looking for a relationship?"

"I get that," Rose said. "It was pretty clear that you weren't looking for anything at all, but especially not anything long-term. When your feelings emerge from hibernation, you'll have no problem finding casual hookups. That's the impression I get from you and your guitarist friend, but you don't want anything that gets close to commitment."

"Pretty much," Michelle agreed. "And without that, I'd be leading someone on if I saw her more than once or twice."

Rose beamed. "We're already getting somewhere with twice," she said. "But what if she makes a commitment to not wanting a commitment?" She grinned at her own joke. "I've no intention of staying with one person. Maybe forever." She shrugged. "Or maybe not. It can be good to have a partner for the mundane parts of life, but I'm not there right now. I already have a small number of friends I see from time to time. We're not exclusive, and if the arrangement isn't working for them they can walk away. Or I can."

Michelle frowned. "You're talking about fuck buddies?"

The golden-haired woman winced, but said, "Well, kinda. Except... not really. What we have goes beyond a casual fuck. Casual fuck buddies have to keep a careful handle on their feelings, or the relationship gets complicated. We don't. I like to have chemistry with a partner. I like to have feelings while I'm with them. But when I'm not with them, I don't demand anything of them. They can do what they want with who they want. I have other outlets, and so do they."

"Sounds like a recipe for jealousy and poly drama," Michelle said, allowing her deep skepticism to show in her voice.

Rose took a long sip of her coffee. "Can be," she said. "It isn't for everyone, and, not gonna lie, I've lost friends who thought they could handle the situation. But the ones that work, it's..." She shrugged. "It's good." The glow in her eyes made this a clear understatement. "I think you're someone who could. You seem to have no problems with fangirls. And you obviously had feelings for the girl who blew up your marriage. It's in your eyes when you talk about her. But you're not jealous now."

"Well, one, it was over a year ago," Michelle said. "I don't know what my feelings were at the time. And two, the outcome was a disaster."

"Right, because the whole situation you were living in was a disaster waiting to happen," Rose suggested. "You and I have chemistry that's off the charts. I felt it at the restaurant. I felt it when we talked at the pub where you were playing. And Jesus on a pogo stick did I feel it at your place." Her eyes went a little dreamy. "Especially your little game with the toy. That was... unexpected." She shook her head and focused on Michelle again. "Ignoring your rules and concerns for a moment, do you feel there could be something between us?"

Michelle wanted to say no. She wanted to ignore the thrill in her lower body when Rose showed up at the coffee shop, or the lust she felt right now. That was what was dangerous about her. But she'd asked her to set aside her concerns, and there was only one answer. "Yeah, I do," she admitted.

Rose's eyes seemed to have darkened to a sea green as they held Michelle's. "I'd love to see what that chemistry could be. I'd love to see what feelings would develop between us. I'd love to explore you. But I don't want an exclusive relationship, and I don't want to come between you and your groupies. Or anyone else you want to be with. If I show up to your gig and find you making out with a hot young thing, I won't be jealous." She smirked. "Believe me. It's happened."

God, the idea was tempting.

"And if it doesn't work out, what's the worst that would happen?" Rose asked. "I mean, not to try to be insensitive, but your marriage already blew up. You'll have your band and your fangirls. I'm not about to stalk you. As I said, it's happened before. Some I'm still friends with, some I'm not, but there's no drama."

"So you and your other... lovers... you're not a polycule?" asked Michelle. "Because I've seen breakup drama on that level, and it's never pretty."

"It's not," Rose agreed. "But no, we're not. It's just me. Any other relationships I have are with me, not with each other."

The risks were more than Rose was admitting to. Michelle was sure of that. But the rewards...

"I'm not looking for a current partner," Michelle said. "You understand me, I think. But I might, in a year or two, when my life is in better shape. I know you say we can walk away, but what if I'm hooked on you then?"

"Well, one," she held up a finger. "You're in no worse a position than fifty percent of dating couples. That's the way of relationships. And two," she extended a second finger. "Since you have a permanent pass to fuck anyone you want, you have outlets that can keep you from getting too attached. That's what works for me. If I were ever to find a relationship morphing into something different, they'd have to understand that I still wouldn't be exclusive. I'm not made that way." She shrugged. "I may be wrong, but I don't think you're made that way, either. Three," one more finger joined the mix. "You have an outlet for that already, since you're a famous rock star with fans who throw their panties at you. I don't think it would be a concern unless your career collapses. And I don't see that happening."

Michelle realized that Rose calling her famous was mostly ironic, but her point was valid. On a local level, the band was well-known, and girls wanting to go home with her after a show was a real phenomenon.

"Has that situation improved?" Rose added.

"You mean, have I fucked a groupie since our night together?" Michelle smirked, sure the woman could read the expression on her face. "I couldn't have done it without you. Literally."

Rose returned her grin.

"What about..." Micheille began, then pursed her lips. "Okay, I know I like being naked with you, but I kinda think I like you outside the bedroom, too. Do you date? Is that within the rules?"

Rose frowned. "I have done," she said after a moment. "Not much, recently, since one breakup. It can lead to awkward situations, but yeah. We don't have to ignore each other outside the bedroom. PDAs are fine, especially if I see you at a show. Pretending we're strangers would be unconvincing."

Rose slid a hand forward over the table, extending one finger to run slowly over the back of Michelle's. "So, you're considering it?"

The touch on her hand unexpectedly released the memories Michelle had tried to keep suppressed - the ways Rose's skin had touched hers, and the strength of her responses. She knew she was drawn to the other woman, but she hadn't anticipated the surge of feeling below her belly, or the instant warmth of her thong against her, cooling as damp soaked into the fabric.

She turned her hand over to grip Rose's, whose fingers slipped around her palm. "I think the answer is yes," she said, her voice sounding husky to her ears. "But the only thought in my head right now is what's the fastest way to get you naked?"

Rose's breath huffed out sharply, her lips curling up in amusement. "Fastest," she replied, her voice low, "might fatally embarrass Heather." She turned to smile at her friend.

Michelle followed her movement to see the redhead curiously studying their joined hands. She added her own grin, and Heather turned aside, her cheeks coloring, but her mouth curving in a soft smile.

"Besides," Rose continued, turning her searing gaze back to Michelle, "if you come back to my place, we won't be arrested for public indecency. That would really spoil the mood, you know? I'll drive. I can bring you back to your car later."

Michelle squeezed the other woman's hand, then stood, grabbing her unfinished coffee to toss in the trash on the way out of the door.


Rose's house was small, but a significant step up from Michelle's apartment. It appeared well-kept, from what little Michelle saw of it, but she wasn't there for a guided tour. When Rose headed back to the small kitchen to make them drinks, Michelle followed.

"Wine? Whiskey? Beer?" asked Rose.

"Bourbon?" suggested Michelle.

Rose quickly threw together two drinks with ice, water, and Wild Turkey. She didn't get to give Michelle a glass before Michelle wrapped her arms around her from behind, cupping her breasts through the gold satin, feeling her nipples harden as she rolled them between her fingers and thumbs.

She continued to toy with Rose's breasts as Rose took a large swallow of her own bourbon, then turned around in Michelle's arms. Placing her hands on Michelle's shoulders, Rose drew her in, parting her lips to meet Michelle's, her tongue flat against her partner's.

In spite of her expectation and desire for exactly this, Michelle felt her knees weaken as passion took root. She gripped the hem of Rose's cami and tugged it upward, Rose's areolae and nipples already swollen to peaks.

Before Michelle had a chance to resume the kiss, Rose had her denim shorts on the floor. She tugged the drawstring of her own shorts, and they and her panties dropped next. Michelle reached around Rose's gloriously naked form to pick up her drink. As she took a large swallow, Rose strode across to the table, moved the salt and pepper set that was the only item on the table to a counter, then bunched up the tablecloth and tossed it onto a chair.

Wandering over to her, Michelle asked, "What are you doing?"

Rose took her by the arms and turned her, pressing her against the table. "I'm going to fuck you on the kitchen table," she breathed.

Michelle felt her arousal spike. Moisture flooded her sex. Her partner roughly pulled her panties down her leg, then grasped her breasts from behind, though Michelle's tee shirt and bra. Rose squeezed hard as Michelle turned her head to meet her mouth.

Rose's kiss was cruel, her teeth closing on Michelle's tongue before releasing her. She forced Michelle's legs apart. Squatting, she threaded a hand between Michelle's thighs, pushing her fingers into her. Two, or maybe three, curling forward, then beginning to slide in and out.

Michelle gasped at the rush of arousal. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, both to support her body and to give Rose easier access. The other woman continued to piston her hand forcefully into her. Michelle's arousal grew with each thrust.

She was panting with need when Rose backed away.

"Turn around," said Rose.

When she turned, Rose lifted her by her hips, dropping her butt onto the table, then pushing her back. "Wait there," she said.

Michelle knew the cause of the delay when her partner returned, wearing the straps of a harness and carrying a long, flexible dildo. She let out a groan at the sight. Rose didn't immediately connect the strap-on, though. Instead, she lowered herself to her knees, lifted Michelle's legs over her shoulders, and began to lick Michelle's pussy, drawing her tongue in broad strokes over her lips, occasionally toying with her clit.

Writhing, Michelle moaned and panted, her heart racing, occasionally crying out words of encouragement. Rose continued her oral barrage until Michelle wanted to cry out for mercy, but the torment was too damned delicious.

When Rose finally drew back, it was only for another change of attack. Michelle felt something pressing into her, filling her deep inside. The dildo slid in and out slowly as Rose's tongue returned to her clit. Her tongue explored slowly, occasionally replaced by suckling lips. Michelle's moans continued to rise in volume and urgency, but Rose expertly kept her from the tipping point.

Now Michelle did plead for mercy. "Oh, fuck, Rose, please let me come... let me come!" but her partner was relentless, drawing back whenever Michelle tried to ram her sex into Rose's face in her need. It was Michelle's only recourse, and it had no chance of success, even as she called out in anguish as Rose suckled her clit again.

Finally, Rose withdrew the dildo and stood. Michelle was distraught at the sudden end of the erotic onslaught, and relieved that she could breathe freely.

The respite was short-lived. Rose snapped the dildo to the harness she wore, then guided it back inside Michelle, who whimpered.

Rose drove all the way to the hilt. The dildo pushed even more deeply into her. She felt herself stretch, the sensation making her cry out. Then her partner grasped her thighs and lifted them. Michelle had to lean back onto her elbows, her thighs along Rose's chest, her calves resting on Rose's shoulders, allowing Rose to push even more deeply into her. Rose gripped Michelle's hips and began to thrust.

Michelle felt that she was on the edge of losing consciousness. The sensations flooding into her were overwhelming. An unstoppable force was rolling toward her. She was tied to the tracks, and a freight train was bearing down on her. Her body tensed, then tensed further, and she crested. "Oh, FUCK!" she screamed, colors flashing in her vision.

Each spasm of Michelle's sex caused her hips to jerk, and the spasms seemed to last for minutes before Rose finally withdrew. A minute more, and she asked Rose to pass her her whisky. Lifting her head, she finished the glass, then slumped back onto the table.

"Can I add... I have been fucked on the kitchen table... to my resume?" Michelle asked.

"If you can get a job where that's relevant, let me know where to apply," her friend replied.

Rose refilled their glasses as Michelle stood. With the dildo flapping against her thighs, she led Michelle to her bedroom.

Michelle staggered slightly as she followed. Her thigh muscles weren't working quite right, and occasional aftershocks caught her off guard. At Rose's enormous bed she stopped while Rose pulled off her tee shirt and unfastened her bra, cupping her breasts in her hands for a moment before directing her to lie face down on the bed.

When Michelle was relaxed on the bed, Rose climbed up onto her thighs, pushing her legs together. She guided the dildo between her legs, into her pussy from behind, slowly lowering herself onto Michelle's back as the dildo slid into her, pressing against the front wall of her sex.

Rose's hands moved to Michelle's waist as she began to rock her hips. Her lips were close to Michelle's ear, and she heard the ragged breathing. Her own hips began to respond, rolling against Rose as the dildo pushed into her G-spot. The bedsheets pressed against her clit, and she felt Rose's soft breasts pushing into her back, as hers squeezed against the bed.

She moaned as her arousal rekindled. Her rise to passion was swift this time, after the abuse her emotions had just taken. Soon she was crying out into the sheets, then toppling sharply into an intense climax.

Rose didn't stop moving, and a few seconds later she heard and felt the girl come against her, body shaking against Michelle's back.